What about me? Well, let's start here...
I'm a goofball. I laugh really loud, and I laugh a lot. My friends kick ass. (when they don't suck.) My music is my life- period. Morning, noon, or night; if I'm not doing it or talking about it, I'm thinking about it. I'm definitely an optimist. I love hooded sweatshirts, and am still trying to find a way to make it fashionable when worn over a tuxedo. Yes, it's true what they say; I have no gall bladder, and get awful migraine headaches much too often. Music makes me smile/jump/punch/sleep/drink/laugh/hug/cry/love/scream. I'm the proud Papa of a german sheppard-beagle mix pooch named "Sandy," and even though she nibbles on pant legs, wakes me up to go out to pee exactly 30 minutes before my alarm clock goes off every morning, and barks at shovels, I love her to death. (Take a look at her pictures here in my gallery... I mean, come on- who couldn't love that face?) Although I enjoy many different genres, I eat, sleep, and breathe house music. I'm kinda picky about what beer I drink. I celebrate my age once a year over a period of time I properly call a "Birthweek," rather than the traditional 24 hour span. I'll use a small amount of it on a turkey sandwich, but mayonnaise grosses me out to no end. (Don't even get me started on wet paper... ick.) The crackling sound of a vinyl record- especially in the middle of a live mix set- totally gets me off. Someday I'll marry Toni Braxton. (That husband and two kids are the only thing stopping me...) I almost had the chance to propose when I FINALLY got to see her live in concert at Foxwoods Casino on St. Patty's Day of 2006, but the security guards- and Laura- didn't seem too fond of that idea. Also, I get a haircut approximately every 7 days, and I make a mess when I brush my teeth. I drink a lot of water, and hate when socks lose their elasticity. I find that sleep is highly overrated. I mean, hey... If it's worth it, stay up; an extra cup of coffee or kick in the pants will help you along in the morning and you'll be fine! I hate Full House, Boy Meets World, and all reality TV & "competition" TV shows. One of my biggest pet peeves is having a pebble or other small object inside my shoe and/or sock. I also don't have much tolerance for people who eat loudly or spell poorly either. (I've been wrong from time to time, but grammar is definitely my thing.) Coffee and music are my two addictions. Oh- and I love to love. Make love, not war, indeed... but dance together, and we're ALL safe. :) (Yeah, I just made that up. Pretty good, huh? lol) Be good! - Dave ~ DJ Strict
Find me at a wedding, anniversary party, school dance or the like, and you'll find me cheese balling it up at work. That's DJ Dave. But...playing a club, after hours spot, go nuts to my latest mix project in ya car, check me out on the Bove Show, or just find me in the lab, and that's the guy they call Strict. Either way, I do my best to keep the party moving and smashin' dance floors, so I travel with both musical personalities on hand. With that being said...
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