"I was quickly snapped out of the trance and awoken with a bang by next band
The Isles . The local boys put on an awesome show and within seconds of
playing had brought in a bigger audience, turned up the volume and
completely turned around the mood. The Isles played an impressive set with
fiercesome levels of energy, dancing their way through their set with
vocalist enchanting the small crowd with cheeky banter and a powerful
presence. The songs themselves were upbeat, fun and down to earth and I
would encourage anyone to take a listen at www.myspace.com/ilovetheisles I would eat my hat if this band doesn't make it."
(Emma, Optimum Impact)
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"What time The Isles didn't spend coming up with an imaginative name the boys from Belle Isle have spent on writing songs that effectively pick out the best bits of all the micro genres between power pop & punk & shake them up in a spiked indie rock cocktail.
Every song they deliver has some rythmic hook or catchy motif that grabs the attention. Combine that with the entertainment value provided by front man Harley Dearing , an energetic ball of energy who amiably hectors the crowd to get into the spirit of things before bounding around the stage spouting his lyrics with manic abandon, and you're onto a winner.
After The Isles welcome efforts to engage the crowd, The Little Flames aloofness proves a little alienating.
Captivating tho' they are, after the energy of The Isles they leave you feeling a little cold."
(Yorkshire Evening Post)
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"Leeds Lads, the Isles , were the first act on stage for the night, with a job of geting the crowd going, only problem-there wasn't really a crowd. Front man, Harley rudely announces 'this is fucking hard, its like playing a fucking working men's', obviously what is needed is to get an already wilting crowd to stand up and listen. It was only by their third song 'Let It Shine that something was working, with the Isles now evoking memories of the early Strokes.
With heavier chords, back beat drums and a healthier confidence on stage the guys seemed to lift the crowd a little further by their fourth number. By the end of the set 'She Likes To Dance' had a catchy indie/new wave feel to their sound, similar to that of Boy Kill Boy, and this seems promising for the local five-piece band."