Lauren Alexandra.♥
'I'm a war, of head versus heart, And it's always this way.'
'We catch trains so that we can enter each other's world.'
I’ve become more independent than I ever thought possible. So much has changed in the last year, good and bad. More than anything I’ve come to realise that good things really can slip through your fingers, and if you don’t fight for what you love, then it’s gone before you have a chance to change it. Life is full of obstacles, everyone knows it, but I think we all tend to forget that if you’re not willing to carry on, no matter how big the obstacle then nothing will ever be worth it in the end. I miss so many things, but holding on to them, or living in the past is never going to change reality. The feeling of being inspired is above that of anything I’ve ever felt. It’s too special to put into words. When you look around, you truly do find it in everything. At the end of the day, that's what it really is all about. Life is there to live and discover, the good and bad, it’s a test to find out who you really are. Finding the things that make you laugh and cry, love or hate, it really is something beautiful when you put it into perspective.
Simple things please me. I learn something new everyday.