Carl Coffin profile picture

Carl Coffin

I am here for Networking

About Me

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Hi, my name is Carl Coffin. I hope you enjoy taking a look at my profile. I made it for you and hope you find some of the information I have on here of value. I just turned 34 (wow has the time flown by) and have a beautiful wife and two small children.My story is similar to a lot of entrepreneurs. I was Burnt out, Stressed Out, and Failing at my network marketing business. I was one of the 95% of people that was failing.
I almost lost my business but through the pain a new change was taking place in my life. I now see myself as an empowered entrepreneur. I developed skills that are essential to growing a successful business online. I posted some of my training for my team at http://www.MLMTheLazyWay.netMy coffin Quest To Massive Success began a few years ago when I had enough of never having time for my kids and my wife. I was sick and tired of going to work feeling guilty that I wasn't spending quality time with my family. I was working all the time. It was killing my marriage and my kids were growing up in front of my eyes.
I love people, I would love to get to know you. Maybe we can relate in some way. I'm a sort of what you see is what you get type of person. I'm not one to show off rolex watches or show off new homes and cars.
I have learned alot while on my quest. I would love to share with you some of the things I learned along the way.
I wish you massive success in 2008!!

My Interests

Reading, Internet Marketing, blogging, Entreprenuership, Network Marketing, MLM, Gaming, Biking, Football..
Check out my resources to learn more about me and what I do. Maybe you would like to work with me? - My personal blog, please leave your comments for additional free exposure for you. - My personal YTB Business Website. Learn more about what I do everyday to explode my 2008 income. You can also join me and we can work together if you so desire. I'll be happy to work with you and teach you everything I know. - My Funded proposal "Power Prospecting System website". Learn how I generate my own prospects every day that pay for themselves. - Book all your travel needs at my personal online travel store.

I'd like to meet:

Other Entreprenuers, Network Marketers, MLM junkies,and Success minded individuals. I also love to meet people who think big and are motivated to do whatever it takes to achieve massive success. Free Training Resource!! Please Watch!
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Somewhere Over The Rainbow


The Coffin Network

Coffin Network
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Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill


Jesus Christ, My Spouse, My Children, Mom and Dad