Taycey Martin profile picture

Taycey Martin

I am here for Friends

About Me

I have a beautiful baby daughter, Zayley Marie
I have a wonderful loving husband, Jeremiah
I love Jesus
I have been known to have OCD concerning cleanliness and have been told that my house looks like no one lives in it
I constantly change my hair color/style
I bite my nails
I live to love
I don't read as much as I should
I am comfortable with my outside appearance, more so than most people think
I struggle with feelings against homosexuality, but will try and love the person no matter what
I try and live every day like it's my last
I'm a non-clingy wife, but a really clingy friend
I think I'm going blind, but I've seen enough to be happy
I often second guess my decisions
I'm full of "what if" s
Concerning many biblical conversations, I won't believe a word you tell me unless you can prove that you're right
I don't like diamonds, but have one to get rid of unwanted guys at bars
I love driving around and jamming
I long to hear Troy Nesbitt speak at C-Stone because he's more than amazing
I suck at life....sometimes
Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

my gorgeous daughter and love of my life

Paramore Lyrics
My Heart Lyrics ..

Quote Icons
Myspace Icons
art, bass players, daydreaming, driving around aimlessly, friends, god, love

poetry, reading, tattoos, theatre, writing

I'd like to meet:

andrew schwab


project 86, blue october, brand new, 30 seconds to mars, what was 38th parallel, relient k, led zeppelin, dave matthews band, bright eyes, ben harper, thousand foot krutch, stavesacre, any 80's power ballads, dashboard confessional, incubus, john mayer, the used, sarah mclachlan, jimmy eat world, old school metallica, dave matthews band, red jumpsuit apparatus, paramore, fall out boy, gavin degraw....and the list goes on and on forever


Romeo and Juliet

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Moulin Rouge, The Boondock Saints, Anything that's not on this list that has Will Ferrell in it, Waiting, Elizabethtown, crazy/beautiful, The Rules of Attraction, GO, What Dreams May Come

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Juno, Wedding Crashers, Varsity Blues, Fight Club, The Notebook


my so called life
the office
the biggest loser
the family guy
the big bang theory


The Bible
God on Mute
Mere Christianity
On Bullshit
Lord of the Rings
They Caught You Plotting Murder
Skinny Bitch


Jesus, my grandfather, and CJ Miller

My Blog


so we awoke to a flood in our finished basement on thursday morning.  thank god in heaven that we've gotten it 98% dried and no more water has come in yet.  my legs hurt like hell from all t...
Posted by Taycey Martin on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 07:48:00 PST

finally over it

so i'm finally over it.  i think i had my final dream last night.  the dream i've waited for, the peace i've waited for, finally. we talked, we cried, we kissed, and i said goodbye.  it...
Posted by Taycey Martin on Wed, 28 May 2008 01:48:00 PST

deja entendu

today is friday!!  i'm off work for four and a half days in roughly 2 hours.  i'll be heading to shelter to sign some insurance docs, meeting sis at el rodeo at nooner, and then a dr's appt ...
Posted by Taycey Martin on Fri, 23 May 2008 07:29:00 PST

i’m rebelling

i have a four and one half day weekend coming up starting this friday at 11am....thank goodness. i have a really sore throat, a nasty cough, and stuffy nose -- and need to just relax and hang out for ...
Posted by Taycey Martin on Wed, 21 May 2008 11:13:00 PST

and i licked it

so i am in love with brand new.  their musical ability astounds and amazes me.  i like how every song is different.  i bought the new g degraw which is also quite good, colbie caillat,...
Posted by Taycey Martin on Mon, 19 May 2008 06:44:00 PST

disappointment strikes my face.....and then i beat up disappointment

so today is a new day and i'm feeling better about life in general.  yesterday i was a total bitch.  and i feel better admitting it.  i had a bad day with weird, messed up crap happenin...
Posted by Taycey Martin on Thu, 15 May 2008 11:12:00 PST

the fate of my world in the hands of my ipod

i had a dream last night....blah.  we won't even go into that. and so i left the fate of my world in the hands of my ipod on my commute to work today.  someone once told me that if you reall...
Posted by Taycey Martin on Wed, 14 May 2008 11:52:00 PST

one romantic bone in his body

it's monday....jeremiah has the day off to go mushroom hunting, mow, and possibly fishing.  i wish i had the day off. wonderful news: my sister has a boyfriend.  and i'm 100% happy and excit...
Posted by Taycey Martin on Mon, 12 May 2008 07:49:00 PST

honest to blog!

so it's friday.  finally.  let me tell you it's been a week i'd like to forget.  lots of unneeded drama.  here's hoping to a better week starting next monday. i'm a mother for the ...
Posted by Taycey Martin on Fri, 09 May 2008 01:32:00 PST

i’ve sworn all of it off.....

to explain: i don't take medication anymore.  no tylenol, no tums, no anything.  i am refusing to fuel the drug industry when they aren't making any progress with any of their research and/o...
Posted by Taycey Martin on Tue, 06 May 2008 06:13:00 PST