Barnesey profile picture


Here For A Good Time, Not A Long Time.

About Me

I Am The Spoiler.

And he possessed a hair-trigger wit. Once, noted Los Angeles tattoo artist Jack Rudy complained that he'd written Malone two or three letters, yet didn't receive any in return. "What are we, pirates or pen pals?" Malone shot back.
“Outside the local grocery I was stopped for skating the sidewalk. The man wants to know when my type is going to learn our lesson. Skating away I know the answer to his question is never.” Lowboy (C R Stecyk III), 1981
"They must find it difficult...
Those who have taken authority as the truth,
rather than truth as the authority."
-Gerald Massey

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Fellow Party Vikings & rabble rousers. Bill Hicks would have been cool. Riley Martin, Chris Hansen, Dan Fielding & Ric Flair most definitely.


Football Factory, Clay Pigeons, Battle Royale, 2046, Super Troopers, Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf, Happiness, 24 Hour Party People, Chopper, The Krays, Trainspotting, Igby Goes Down, Joe The King, Quadrophenia, Fast Times, Donnie Darko, Blades Of Glory, Idiocracy, Zoolander, Suicide Club, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, Deliverance, Rivers Edge, At Close Range, Ichi The Killer, I.D., Bad Santa, The Stoned Age, Boys Next Door, Layer Cake, Resurrection Man, Hot Fuzz, Drugstore Cowboy, Happiness, Versus...


Hell's Kitchen, LOST, Adult Swim, Heroes, Ali G, Kids In the Hall, Absolutely Fabulous, Simpsons, Court TV, Aquateen Hungerforce, The Office, Starved, Always Sunny In Philadephia, Comedy Central, Court TV, A And E, Colbert Report, Arrested Development, The Daily Show, Wonder Showzen, History Channel & The Wire


Jim Thompson, Fante, Algren, Mencken, Buk, HST, etc. Basically anything that is factual and/or twisted. I generally loathe fiction. Dig on Biographies and real life events not fantasy world shit like the bible.


My dad