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About Me

************************************************************ ************** I was born by the river in a little tent and just like that river I've been running ever since. It's been a long, long time coming but I know change is going to come... ************************************************************ ************** I was born with a curious mind & frequently wonder why everyone wasn't. I have nothing against television except when it's turned on, yet I'm addicted to films & watch them on tv. CURIOUS I get frequently annoyed by people who seem to confuse "real life" with "reality television" & confuse watching sports with playing them. i'm amazed how the advent of cell phones has thrown all ideas of sound & public space etiquette out the window. And...texting? huh? Are those people with the blank stares & heads connected to winding wires and headphones on the subway CIA? Are they human? (i guess it depends on what they're listening to) ************************************************************ *********** I'll start eating meat when i can bring myself to kill it. So for now I'm stuck with veggies, fruits & the occasional baby seal.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Those who care more about the substance of the statement than the grammer of the sentence. For re-education camp: Susie why do they hate us! Soccer moms, Joe the-I know politics cause I watch more TV than you do-type republicans & dems, Red-State-voters who think we're safer with a guy in the White House that thinks South America means...Florida.( edited my profile with <A href="" target=


...sounds of my city in the summer(except the car horns & gun shots), coos and caws of country crows, the squeeling waltz of trains, birds, Junk, Funk, jazz, metal, rock, ska, surf, punk, hiphop, rockabilly...on & on...* STEVIE WONDER * BEETHOVEN * ANI DIFRANCO * METALLICA * BAD BRAINS * BOB MARLEY *CHARLIE PARKER * DE LA SOUL * jOHN COLTRANE *PRIMUS * OLD GENESIS *CURTIS MAYFIELD * LETHARGY * GAYLORD! * LIVING COLOUR * JONI MITCHELL * MASTODON * CHARLES MINGUS * FAITH NO MORE * MIDNIGHT DRAGONZ * FRANK ZAPPA * SMASHING PUMKINS * NEKO CASE * BIG HAIR * THE POLICE * RUSH * JAMES BROWN * RUN DMC * JETHRO TULL * REV.HOROTON HEAT * MARVIN GAYE * JIMMY JAMES AND THE BLUE FLAMES * SULACO * RAMONES * SLY AND THE FAMILY STONE (sly, give me a call sometime) * SHUGGY OTIS * JEFF BUCKLEY * CHOPIN * QUITTERS * FISHBONE * THE METERS * SHAWNEE BoYEEE...a lot more but this is some of what I grew up listening to. (anyone on this list can feel free to contact me...)


VERTIGO* In the Mood for LoVe…* The CORPORATION * CITY OF GOD* DEAD MAN* Amelie*/City of Lost *Children/Delicatessen* The Weather Underground.r{}* When we were Kings* The Shining/2001/Clockwork Orange/Paths of Glory* Miller’s Crossing* CRASH* Missing(great, but no one has seen it)* Do the Right Thing (C’mon give it up)* Thin Red Line* Scratch* Sanshiro Sugata- OR ANY of Akira Kurosawa's films* Life Aquatic * Shawn of the Dead* Carlito’s Way*Royal Tenenbaums* Casino/Raging Bull/Taxi Driver/Mean Streets* Manufacturing Consent (Noam Chomski)* Cover Up the Iran-Contra Affair* Jazz (Ken Burns)* the YES MEN* The Unforgiven/Bird* FRIDA* The Cradle Will Rock* & my brother's porn collection(NOT the dirty kind)* That's all off the top of my head folks...


Sucks.A nation of glassy eyed zombies know more about Brittney & Paris than Great Britain & France.


"Conquest of Mexico"(William H. Prescott & James Lockhart)* "From Slavery to Freedom" (the great John Hope Franklin)* A Little Matter of Genocide * Sundown Towns *, Malcolm X Speaks * The King Must Die(Mary Renault) * Flight to Canada*(Ishmael Reed) * "Miles" (Davis autobiography)* Albions Seeds(David Hackett Fischer) * The Peoples Chronology (3 million B.C.-1973 James Trager)* The Souls of Black Folk(W.E.B.Dubois!!!)* An experiment in Truth (Gandhi)* Why We Cant Wait ( Martin Luther King Jr.) * The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich William Shirer *& The Toilet Paper (Keven Atoms excellent bathroom reader Tissue.1)


Howdy Doody

My Blog

American Idolization

Every 4th of July I like to read a speech by a great, orator, author & statesman of African and European descent. Nope, not Core Atoms, not even Barack Obama, (Although I did just finish his "Drea...
Posted by cOre on Sat, 05 Jul 2008 05:41:00 PST


Martin Luther King Jr. # 39 School Past the plaid clad Catholic School girls & a pair of barking Doberman Pinschers, past the permeating smells of pastries, pizza and car exhaust... I carelessl...
Posted by cOre on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

gOre 's new movie--> should see it. Yeah, yeah, we all "know" about climate change...but it's worth watching for cinematic value and it just helps to motivate your gassss guzzzlin' asss. (oh, and when you go...r...
Posted by cOre on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 07:59:00 PST


What a Scum Bag... The only international holiday, started by Americans...and listen to this Fascist: Loyalty Day, 2004 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation ...
Posted by cOre on Mon, 01 May 2006 07:39:00 PST

cOrey hoffman seymore atOms

I'm changing my name in an attempt at achieving overnight stardom. (Because that's REALLY all I want out of be a large, dense cloud of interstellar matter, made up of mostly hydrogen and hel...
Posted by cOre on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 06:36:00 PST

History of the color Black D=/20060223/OPINION02/602230378/1039/OPINION
Posted by cOre on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 06:24:00 PST

cOps and the guys I used to get into fights with...

Henry Adams (I like to call him Uncle Henry), a psychology professor at the University of Georgia, created a study where he took men who were self-described homophobics and tested them. Each had to si...
Posted by cOre on Wed, 08 Feb 2006 11:37:00 PST


 A  HATED  man while alive... ADORED in deathIn the last 4 years of his life, the so-called liberal north & conservative south had abandoned him, the liberal media refused to cover ...
Posted by cOre on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

sOmething sOur in the suffragist City

Is this a city of its residents or a playground for suburbia's sprawling wealth? Every weekend, the trash left behind by meaty guys with baseball caps and bar-hopping Barbies litters my neighborhood ...
Posted by cOre on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Did the ancient Greeks have television?

In the words of Plato: ...shall we just carelessly allow children to hear any casual tales which may be devised by casual persons, and to receive into their minds ideas for the most part the very O...
Posted by cOre on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST