art, the blues, caffeine, classic rock, digital, directing, film, folk, funk, indie, jazz, mostly modern literature, movies, music, photography, poetry, theatre, travel, video, writing.
"the rules are, there ain't no rules"
"All good books have one thing in common- they are truer than if they really happened" -ernest hemingway
favorite authors: tom robbins, kurt vonnegut, jonathan safran foyer, john irving, milan kundera, ernest hemingway, chuck palhaniuk, hunter s. thompson.
favorite poets: allen ginsberg, gregory corso, john berryman, frederico garcia lorca, elizabeth bishop, t.s. eliot...
all these lists go on too goddamn long.
i wanna be rogue from X-men, but not the new punk-ass one, the rogue from the early nineties cartoon. she was the shit.