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About Me

I'm pretty ballin

My Interests

Kim Sloanishness, then in no particular order: music, hope, strings, skulls, dots, record stores, elephants, album art, slacks, robots, clouds, waffles, scribbles, vodka and tonic, naps, pockets, arrows, the playground, stick people, B-Sides, stripes, rain, minimalism, high contrast, stars, fish, dashes, over-active imaginations, earth tones, half stepping, conversations about music, vintage jackets, dancing, tea, girls, t-shirts, the long quiet drives home, trampolines, simple things, thunder storms, art I don't understand, beards, parachutes, polar bears, canoes, mercury poisoning, and bringing it back.

I'd like to meet:

people who know how to play Axis and Allies


anything that sends chills down my spine or makes me want to move my feet.


anything that glorifies violence.


Bradbury, Orwell, and other early to mid 20th century science fiction writers.

My Blog

away to St. Paul

been packing all day. loaded the truck up too. at 8 am tomorrow the caravan moves out. huzzah
Posted by Tristan on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 11:42:00 PST

Mission Creek 2007 Line up (tentative)

2007 Festival Lineup!!!Rock Plaza Central, Tilly And The Wall, Death Ships, Lipstick Homicide, Baby Teeth, Winter Blanket, The Feeding, Brief Candles, ft.(the Shadow Government), Envy Corps, Dave Zoll...
Posted by Tristan on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 10:44:00 PST

My current life is over

Posted by Tristan on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 06:44:00 PST

new music blues

Anyone have any new music that they are really enjoying? care to share? I've been in a runt listening to the same things over and over. I need more new. Suggestions?
Posted by Tristan on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 10:42:00 PST

Pillar of Salt

Any pop band can be enhanced by a cheesy happy synth. The new Thermals album is a perfect example of this. For some reason I take great comfort in this knowledge.Yesterday was an odd day. I barely tal...
Posted by Tristan on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 11:46:00 PST

I just want you to say

So I think I've reached a point in my college career where I've got where I want to go pretty much figured out. Now its just that whole getting there thing. I felt like yesterday would be a new day, a...
Posted by Tristan on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 10:13:00 PST


I'm not entirely sure which I hate more, ignorance or academia.
Posted by Tristan on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 09:44:00 PST

If I die cluching your photograph, don't call me boring

I hate nightmares (especially the really subtle ones.... the ones I've been having.)I hate that I have to wake up earlyI hate that I have to write a paper today before 3I hate that I have a german tes...
Posted by Tristan on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 07:54:00 PST


I just want to write short stupid and cute pop songs. I also want to write short dark and cute pop songs. Does anyone want to write some pop songs with me?
Posted by Tristan on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 12:03:00 PST

Dear rice crispy treat

I'm sorry I ate you. You were delicious at first. Then you were disgusting. Then you were just alright. then you where disgusting again. When you where here you brought us all so much joy and happines...
Posted by Tristan on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 11:21:00 PST