About Me
BIO MISS PAZ (ESPAÑOL)Paz a.k.a. Miss PAZ nació en la Ciudad de Santa Fe (Argentina) el 13 de Abril de 1988. Desde pequeña era inquieta y curiosa. RevolvÃa los discos de pastas que su padre compraba; descubriendo entre ellos vinilos de Depeche Mode, Moldern Talking, Abba, entre otros.
Con tan solo 12 años comenzó a frecuentar el ambiente de la noche; trabajando gracias a sus condiciones fÃsicas, como promotora de distintas marcas y eventos. Tiempo después incursiona en el mundo del modelaje; dejando de lado al año siguiente por no sentirse cómoda y a gusto con su estatura: 1.68m.
Decidida y visionaria en todos los aspectos de su vida, decide unirse, con tan solo 14 años a un grupo de rock alternativo llamado: Octavo. Pudiendo incursionar en el mundo del rock, forma parte de la banda, y asà logra presentarse en shows en vivo como segunda voz.
Excéntrica por naturaleza; abandona al año siguiente la banda de rock e involucrarse de lleno a los sonidos electrónicos; conociendo asà Djs locales y asistiendo a distintos eventos con ánimos de afinar sus oÃdos.
A los 15 años resuelve vivir la cultura electrónica como forma de vida, eligiendo los vinilos como único hobbie. Es asà que al año siguiente, con esfuerzo y perseverancia, decide lanzarse como Dj Profesional para mostrar la técnica que habÃa adquirido.
Gracias a ello, es seleccionada entre varios Djs locales y elegida, finalmente, para formar parte de Bunker Djs. Agencia que le permitió participar de eventos tales como: Bienal de Arte Joven (UNL) Electro Club 2, Djs Sets en Radio Mix 88.9 FM, entre otros.
Con tan solo 17 años opta por seguir su camino sola; prefiriendo la colaboración de una productora de la Ciudad de Rosario, llamada ProTech Group; la cual le da la oportunidad de participar de eventos fuera de su Ciudad; siendo invitada al reconocido Mes Rosa en el club "El Sótano", pudiendo mostrar allà su técnica tan particular y lineal.
Dueña de un estilo muy personal, se muestra muy fresca y espontánea en cada set que brinda. Siendo reconocida además por su música tan innovadora y su personalidad tan excéntrica, fresca y alocada.
Gracias a su particular energÃa, es seleccionada para participar de los Djs Guest en Red Bull Music Academy Radio (Alemania); logrando mostrar allà su estilo y adquirir reconocimiento; obteniendo una residencia mensual.
Miss PAZ, comenzó a incursionar en la producción de música electrónica; experimentando hasta el cansancio con: Cubase, Fruity Loop y Reason; hasta mejorar su estilo y alcanzar la mejor combinación. Actualmente, incursiona e improvisa sus producciones con Ableton Live.
En 2007, hizo un remix del track “Italian New†para su amigo y productor S.a.i.k.0.
Ademas, en 2007, editó: Freaky Bad Girl; track utilizado por la marca BBN (Become Beging Night) en la apertura de su página Web.:: www.bbnweb.com.ar ::Trabaja mucho en su estudio particular, montado en el cuarto de su casa, buscando su propio sonido personal. Incursionando en diferentes estilos musicales, pero principalmente bajo la influencia de los sonidos Progressive House y Minimal Techno.
Con 19 años, terminó de cursar el colegio secundario y proyecta estudiar una carrera en la facultad y mudarse sola; sin dejar de lado su pasión por la música.
Además, posee su propio programa de radio en Antena Uno 107.9 FM, llamado "Say Good House Music" (Viernes y Sábados de 23 a 1am)
Desde 2007, lleva adelante su propia marca de ropa llamada "EGO FREAK" dónde se luce con sus excéntricas locuras diseñadas en camperas y remeras estampadas de alto diseño y psicodélica. Presenta sus prendas en el Cooltura Rosario Diseña (Parque España) todos los Domingos de cada mes y siendo además la Dj Residente del lugar.
Hoy en dÃa, viaja bastante por distintas Ciudades y pincha en diferentes sitios y eventos a los cuales es convocada.
Actualmente, acaba de ser elegida para sumarse al staff de la agencia internacional Alice Management (Canadá), la cual le brinda una plataforma excelente para mostrar su técnica al exterior y asà seguir evolucionando con su tan particular puesta en escena.
El 2008 la sorprendió, pudiendo editar el track: Love Your Fucking Style; editado por el sello español Next Girlfriend Records, con gran aceptación y repercución entre sus pares; utilizado por varios artistas en sus sets.-
En Junio de 2008, editó Im not a Sex Machine con gran repercución y en pocos meses, saldrá editado a la venta por el sello alemán 2Code Records.-
Además, acaba de comenzar un programa radial propio llamado POWER FREAK, en vivo; todos los Sábados a las 00am en ONLY CLUB RADIO ON LINE:: www.onlyclub.com.ar ::Este año, está llena de proyectos y pretende editar más tracks; los cuales están siendo aceptados y requeridos por varios sellos internacionales y de renombre; a editarse para su posterior venta en Beatport y Beatdigital; claro es el ejemplo del los sellos Next Girlfriend Records (España) y 2Code Records (Berlin) que tienen en su haber Artistas de gran nivel internacional.-:: www.alicemanagement.com + myspace.com/alicemanagement + www.nextgirlfrienrecords.ar.tc + www.myspace.com/code2records + www.onlyclub.com.ar ::...gif" border="0" ismap="ismap" /BIO MISS PEACE (ENGLISH)Paz a.k.a. Miss PEACE was born in the City of Santa Fe (Argentina) On April 13, 1988. From small anxious and curious age. She was re-turning the discs of vinyls that your father was buying; discovering between them vinyls of Depeche Mode, Moldern Talking, Abba, among others.
With only 12 years She began to frequent the environment of the night; working thanks to your physical conditions, as promoter of different marks and events. Time later She penetrates into the world of the models; stopping of side on the following year for not feeling comfortable and to taste with your stature: 1.68m.
Determined and visionary in all the aspects of your life, it She decides to join, with only 14 years to a group of alternative so called rock: Eighth. Being able to penetrate into the world of the rock, She forms a part of the band, and this way She manages to appear in live shows as the second voice. Eccentric for nature, PEACE leaves on the following year the band of rock and to interfere squarely to the electronic sounds; knowing this way local Djs and being present at different events with intentions of perfecting your ears.
At the age of 15, She resolves to live through the electronic culture as form of life, choosing the vinyls as only one hobbie. It is so on the following year, with effort and perseverance, She decides to be thrown as Dj Profesional to show the technology that She had acquired.
Thanks to it, it is selected between several local Djs and chosen, finally, to form a part of Bunker Djs. Agency that allowed him to take part of such events as: Biennial show of Young Art (UNL) Electro Club 2, Djs Sets in Radio Mix 88.9 FM, among others.
With only 17 years She chooses to follow your way alone; prefiriendo the collaboration of a producer of the City of Rosario, so called ProTech Group; which gives her the opportunity to take part of events out of your City; being invited to the recognized Pink Month in the club " The Basement ", being able to show there his your so particular and linear technology.
Owner of a very personal style, proves to be very fresh and spontaneous in every set that drinks. Being recognized in addition by your so innovative music and your so eccentric, fresh and crazy personality.
Thanks to your particular energy, it is selected to inform of the Djs Guest in Network Bull Music Academy Radio (Germany); managing to show there your style and to acquire recognition; obtaining a monthly residence. Miss PEACE, began to penetrate into the production of electronic music; experimenting up to the weariness with: Cubase, Fruity Loop and Reason; up to improving your style and reaching the best combination. Nowadays, She penetrates and improvises your productions with Ableton Live.
In 2007, She did a remix of the track "Italian New" for your friend and producer S.a.i.k.0.
I 2007 she has just edited: “Freaky Bad Girl†track used by the brand BBN (Become Beging Night) in the opening of your web page.:: www.bbnweb.com.ar ::She is employed very much at your particular study mounted in the quarter of your house, looking for your own personal sound. Penetrating into different musical styles, but principally under the influence of the sounds Progressive House and Minimal Techno.
With 19 years, She stopped dealing the secondary college and She plans to study a career in the faculty and to change alone; without leaving of side your passion for the music. In addition, She possesses your own program of radio in Antenna One 107.9 FM, called " Say Good House Music " (Friday and On Saturdays of 23 to 1am)
From 2007, She takes forward your own brand of so called clothes " EGO FREAK " where it is illuminated by your eccentric madnesses designed in outdoor and remere stamped of high design and psychodelic. She presents your articles in the Cooltura Rosario Designs (Park Spain) every Sunday of every month and being in addition the local Dj Resident.
Nowadays, She travels enough for different Cities and prickle in different sities and events for which it is summoned. Nowadays, she has just been chosen adds to the staff of the international agency Alice Management (Canada), who offers to him an excellent platform to show your technology on the outside and this way to continue evolving with your so particular putting in scene.
It surprised it to the 2008, being able to publish track: Love Your Fucking Style; published by the Spanish seal Next Girlfriend Record, with great acceptance and repercución between its pairs; used by several artists in his sets. - In June of 2008, it published Im not to Sex Machine with great repercución and in few months, it will leave on sale published by the German seal 2Code Record.-
In addition, own call POWER FREAK finishes beginning a radial program, live; all the Saturdays to 00am in ONLY CLUB RADIO ON LINE:: www.onlyclub.com.ar ::
This year, is full of projects and tries to publish more tracks; which are being accepted and being required by several international seals and of reputation; to be published for its later sale in Beatport and Beatdigital; clearly it is the example of the seals Next Girlfriend Record (Spain) and 2Code Record (Berlin) that Artists of great international level have in their salary. -:: www.alicemanagement.com + myspace.com/alicemanagement + www.nextgirlfriendrecords.ar.tc + myspace.com/code2records + www.onlyclub.com.ar ::