6thstudio records profile picture

6thstudio records

Recording studio, Indipendent label & Booking

About Me

6th Studio records è la prima etichetta discografica indipendente di musica elettronica della Sardegna; nata da un'idea di Francesco Lenza (Dj & producer) e Francesca Cavassa (Organizzazione eventi e management) vuole promuovere e divulgare un nuovo concetto di musica “Made in Sardinia”, che spazi dai vari generi techno (Deep, Electro, Minimal) all'elettronica più introspettiva.

Sardinia's first independent record label for electronic music, 6th Studio records, was born as an idea of Francesco Lenza (Dj & producer) and Francesca Cavassa (Events organization and management) in order to promote and disclose a new concept of music “Made in Sardinia” ranging from several kinds of techno (Deep, Electro, Minimal) to a more experimental introspective types of electronic music.
6th studio records ist Sardiniens erstes record label für unabhängige elektronische Musik. Die Initiative stammt von Francesco Lenza (Dj & Produzent) und Francesca Cavassa (Management & P.R.) und stellt ein neues Konzept der Musik "Made in Sardinien" dar. Die Musik variert von diversen techno Richtungen (Deep, Electro, Minimal) bis zum experimentellen introspektiven Sorten der elektronischen Musik.
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My Interests


Member Since: 3/22/2007
Band Website: 6thstudio.com
Band Members: Manager and A&R director
Francesco Lenza
International, Booking & Press
Francesca Cavassa
Promo, A&R dept.
Benedetto Floris
Go to our merchandising shop.
PLEASE DO NOT SEND COMMENTS OR MESSAGES LIKE "NEW TRACK UPLOADED ON MY PROFILE", we won't go and listen to it. We get so many of those comments that is impossible that we can go and check them all out. Send your demo (track or link) to [email protected] . Please include the name of the file of the track with your artist-name and the title-track, please attach also a small text file with your bio & contact info. Thanks
Please be patient, we try to answer to everybody.
Email from here for any other information about 6th Studio.
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Official catalogue !

OFFICIAL CATALOGUE 6TH STUDIO VINYL & DIGITAL RELASES : 6thst001 - Francesco Lenza/Ness/Bettosun & Rosario di Salvo6thst002 - Erzog/Alessio Mereu (Coming soon) 6THSTUDIO CD RELASES:6thst/cda.0...
Posted by 6thstudio records on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 05:12:00 PST

About 002 vinyl relase !

After the success of the first relase, 6th Studio rec. announces the second onewith ERZOG and his two tracks Maiz and Crekers featuring also a remix of Alessio Mereu (Emiror - Mindshake - Capsula - Qo...
Posted by 6thstudio records on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 03:23:00 PST

6th Studio worldwide booking !

Francesco LenzaBettosunRosario Di SalvoNessErzog For booking or any information, please email at : [email protected]...
Posted by 6thstudio records on Wed, 30 May 2007 05:27:00 PST