I am interested in anything that gives me a challenge. Puzzles, cooking, reading, school. I am a street nerd. If you find anything interesting hollaaaaaaaa!I want to start an all girl band and about 2 businesses. Prayerfully!!
"The King" from the Burger King, "The Badger" from Lexus and Tavis Smiley!
Ask me how you can become debt free CLICK THE PICTURE:
Saturday Night Live - Weekend Update: Part 2
To much to define. Anything that speaks to my soul, lifts my spirit, Whateve make me shake to the marrow in my bones.
All I will say is I am a movie buff to the point that I will rent old Charlie Chaplin movies...WHAT!
TV is not the devil. Because I love it! Right now I am in Anime mode I consistently watch Bleach, Full Metal Alchemist, and Naruto-Shippuden. Just finished the series Death Note, Samurai Champloo, Afro Samurai, Fate Stay Night, Tokko, Claymore, and Black Lagoon! Know any good anime hit me up. I read Mangas also.If you don't have it you need to get that Greenbench.tv and ... 1. Buy that GreenBench DVD...you won't regret it. 2. If you need Credit or Assets help. Hit me in the inbox. 3. God loves you and so do I!
I am in a book club and right now we are Reading The Prisoner's Wife I think. I am really bad b/c school is taking up some of my reading time. I hope to get better! It's new and I am loving it....the club is on my friend's list. "We be readin' books..." Check it out!
Christ...trying to walk that walk.GOD MOMENT: Because he deserves it all (dramatic pause) Are you right with GOD? Don't worry about where you are in life GOD will meet you there. Sleeping around, drugs, thuggin', buggin', depressed, repressed, posessed God is ready to enter your heart all he is asking for is for you to let him in. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS SAY outloud... (you don't have to yell it, but it must be said not thought).LORD, I CAN NOT DO THIS [LIFE] WITHOUT YOU, I BELIEVE YOU ARE THE GOD OF EVERYTHING, YOU SENT YOUR SON TO DIE FOR MY SINS, HE ROSE ON THE 3RD DAY WITH ALL POWER IN HIS HAND, AND HE NOW RESIDES AT YOUR RIGHT HAND. COME INTO MY LIFE MAKE ME CLEAN INSIDE. IN THE NAME OF JESUS THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES. THANK YOU LORD! AMEN!Don't think that God is going to condemn you for not being perfect in this walk and trust I ain't trying to judge you. That is not the case. The point is to put God first in your life because we all fall short and looking at some of the faces and words on these profiles....I gotta offer those persons something....Gold have I, none, Silver have I, none, but I do have something greater than them all. The only person who did it right way was JESUS and because of his sacrfice we are redeemed. GET A BIBLE start reading Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These are the gospels of Jesus from different point of views, so you will read some of the same things differenty. Then read Proverbs, this will build your wisdom, knowledge and understanding in the things of God and give thanks to the G-that saved us. Jesus.