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singin with ma boys, goin out with my friends (which always includes drinking way too much wine, spending $ I don't have, and sleeping in late on the weekends). Learning photography as I go and wishing other people's dogs were mine.
I adore Woody Allen, Joanna Newsom, Donovan, Bob Dylan, and Janis Joplin to name a few. And here are some people who inspire me:
My girls: Kathleen Edwards, Martha Wainwright, Joanna Newsom, Patti Griffin, Patsy Cline, Susan Tedeshi, Kasey Chambers, Rosanne Cash, Jewel (except the last album...bad Jewel!), Liz Phair, Joni Mitchel, Amie Mann, Natalie Merchant, Rosie, Ani, Tracy Chapman. Boys: Ben Harper, Mathew Sweet, Bob Dylan, Donovan, Beach Boys, Rufus Wainwright, The Shins, Weezer, Velvet Underground.
Anything Woody, some favorites include: Mighty Aphrodite, Sleepers, Annie Hall, Deconstructing Harry. After that: Breakfast at Tiffany's, Eddie and the Cruisers, Breakfast Club, SFW, Earthly Possessions (yum...Stephen Dorff), Dazed and Confused, Requim for a Dream, Clueless, Ghost World, A Face in the Crowd, ...Blah blah...I could go on forever
Anything on Style or HGTV, 70's Show, Roseanne, Cosby, Family Guy, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Sex in the City, Seinfeld, and the Real World. I also like to indulge in some british classics like Fawlty Towers.
I don't really read too much, but I did enjoy these when I found time: "A Girls Guide to Hunting and Fishing", "The Reader", and "Tuesdays with Morrie". Does Cosmo count? :-)
All my girls