S1ippery Ee1 profile picture

S1ippery Ee1

I like Rice, Rice is nice.

About Me

Visit my website to see some of my artwork and other random things.


My Interests

I like to paint and draw... that is all.

I'd like to meet:

Edgar Cayce


Loyal Frisby, Third Eye Blind, Garden state Soundtrack, Third Day, Lyle and SparkleFace Band, Sister Hazel, Creed, Modest Mouse, Sean Groves, Switchfoot, and Dashboard Confessional.


Rocky, Rocky 2, Rocky 3, Rocky 4 (My Fav) and Rocky 5 oh and Groudhog Day, Garden State, Lucas, Matrix( Only the first of course),Boiler Room, Office Space and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.


None for me. Except maybe the Office and Arersted Developement.


Out of body experiences, Journeys out of the body and Far Journeys. Edgar Cayce, American Gods


Bill Murray, Phil the Ground Hog, Jeremy Lipking, Rocky Balboa, Rambo, The guy who played lucas in the movie Lucas, and high school art teacher Mr Allberg.

My Blog

Website updated

I updated my site, check it out if your interested. www.thedavidelliott.com
Posted by S1ippery Ee1 on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 01:26:00 PST