cooking, reading, surfing, fishing, hockey, anything that ends in "board, World politics and US foreign policy, music lot's of music, the power of digital chi, kayaking, black smithing, garbasailingDirtBoarding!
Catching ringworm from random mammals that I spoon with.
A serpent deflector, a mudrat detector, a ribbon reflector, a cushion convector, a penile erector, a virile dissector and/or hormone collector
Don't fit the bill? I will make exceptions if:
You want to catch a show or two with around the area, you use the word debauchery and/or burlesque, if that is the case we must have tea in the briefest delays.
People who posess "the power of digital chi" or "computer MoJo"
Last but not least:My friends from College and Uni but for some reason MySpace doesn't have the Francophone uni's on here nor does it work with Canadian zip codes when it comes to searching.
Now go away or I will replace you with a very small shell script.
DAMN!!! I almost forgot Massoud Al-Rachid and Fabala from Astérix and Obélix.
Richard DesJardins, Jean Leloup, TRYo, Polemil Bazar, amfibian, wsp, Live jam bands, phish, Medeski martin and wood, Grateful dead, Pixies, Pavement, Marvin Pontiac, John Zorn, french hip-hop, serge gainsbourg, the clash, la rue kétanou, thomas fersen, niagara, edith piaf, boris vian, district 13, Moe, IAM, Carla Bruni, YMSB, Cyro Batista, John Lurie, Yonder Mountain string band. JGB, Moe, Disco Biscuits, TAB, The breakfast, The big Bend, Primus, Beastie Boys, Jacques Brel, Mike Patton, les rita mitsouko,Trey solo Aka TAB, les négresses vertes, Francis cabrel (cheesy but true), Spinniners? Armin Van Buuren, Carl Cox, Val and the whole Vibe Tribe, Paul Van Dyk, Paul Oakenfold
Current top played on my main Ipod are: Thomas Fersen, Phish, IAM, Richard Desjardins and District13.
Listening to "stuff" with Jean in my 74Westfalia.
Quebec-Montreal, Polygraphe, microcosmos, Elvis gratton, Trainspotting, My Own Private Idaho, Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, Twin peaks, Arizona blue, l'auberge espagnol, jesus de Montreal, Le declin de l'empire Americain, Tout de Arcand et du "early" Besson, L'erreur boreale aka Forest alert and Le Party.
Things I look fwd to would be:
-Anything by Rutiglano-Lepage.
-Swallowing my pride and actually go see a movie in this country.
One of the advantages of having a Narcissistic personality disorder is to perceive my life as a hit television reality show and having no desire to find the remote.
Book of the week slash day slash month:
Feb 10th Peace Not Apartheid. Jimmy Carter
Feb 15th Infidel. Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Feb 17th The Audacity of Hope : Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream. Barack Obama
Feb 21st Global financial warriors. John B Taylor
April 8th Eyewitness to America. Edited by David Colbert
April 1st Managing generation X. Bruce Tulgan.
Feb 18th Closer. Dennis Cooper
Feb 12th 2006 Ansel Adams Autobiography
Feb 4th Madness and civilization. Michel Foucault
Dec 18th 2005 Junky 50th anniversary edition. William Burroughs
Dec 11th 2005: Freakonomics. Steven Levitt & Stephen Dubner
Dec 4th 2005: War reporting for cowards. Chris Ayers
I love to read anything that will contribute to my eclectic perspective of the world we live in but my daily/weekly/monthly reads include: The Economist, Wired, NYTimes, Globe and Mail, FP AKA Foreign Policy, Time, L'actualite, USA Today (yep), Cargo, 2600, Forbes, Far eastern Economic review, National Post, Le Canard Enchaine, Le monde diplomatique, Cyber Presse (Le Soleil), France Amerique, Linux journal, Kiplinger, Buisines week, Business 2.0 and Le Devoir. God I miss Le Devoir, Popular science and the Smithsonian, Dwell, Shambala sun and Tricycle were added to the line.up in the last few weeks/months.
Savoir qu'on n'a plus rien esprer n'empche pas de continuer attendre.
Yeah I'm homesick, can you tell?
When I grow up I want to be exactly like the guy I saw in the mirror when I was 16.