I mostly go to church tuesdsay wed thurs sunday morning and night i play the trumpet mostly work and church not much time for freinds anymore i like gospel music mostly kirk franklin..
YOU! I wanna Meet you all !you wanna get out but you cant get out jesus the way and the truth and the life those of u who were raised in the church kno the truth and those who dont know much about him just know or should know that their life is empty and vain but they cant seem to except it, maybe its pride but the fact of the matter is you need him regardless if you cant understand it.Lean not to your own understanding..humble yourself..and he will recive you. for the athiest: Nothing comes from nothing you know. All of a sudden boom a huge explosion and pow theres life..? come on thats retarded how could it be so complex and made in such a way that its perfet conditons for us to live in but they say its by chance..if we were on any other planet we would ither burn or feeze to death, but this is just right earth is perfect temp..ony planet with atmosphere..i could go on n on.. but basiclly when we are in trouble we wanna run to jesus but when all is well we wanna party up 9/11/2001 what happend we wanted to seek god in trouble...but as jesus said even if i did miricles right in front of you you wouldnt belive..why would some of u people rather enjoy your sin...ever heard of a concience that thing that is getting weaker everytime you do contrary to what it says thats put there by u know who god AKA jesus ..and lets not forget 666 the mark..oh yeah watch the video on my page they are already using this tracking device on pets and some ..foolish people who voulenteer..and eventually will put the mark in it so u can buy or sell; if u dont have the mark well u know whats gunna happen so basiclly its right in front of your face choose life give your life to god and stop saying well everyone esle is doing it.(sin)..or enjoy your sin and Burn enough being polite what god has said is sin is sin..so they way out is jesus not the jesus you hear about jesus never sinned and yes there are some ppl who are hypocrites but they arent the example jesus is.
comedys and action movies biblical movies The passion of the christ.
....... i dont watch tv anymore really i just read the bible or some TBN..not all the shows on tbn...lol
The BIBLE UMM the paper also some street racing magsDA vinci code deception! and alot moreDA vinci code is a bunch of garbage!!!
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