Reading,Writing,Art and Portraits,Drawing,Singing,Screaming,Playing Guitar and Piano,BK Boxing,Ti Shung eyefighting,Tou Sun Sightfighting,Poetry,Philosophy,Psychology,Learning Russian(Muscovite), Getting kicked in the balls by hot girls
I'm down to hang out with anybody who'll want to hang out with me, or start another band, play music, or whatever. I'm into recording. I have Cakewalk and YES, I'm one of those people that plays with Fruity Loops, plus I have an eight track and 24 track, and lots of mics and two mixers, not counting what I have on my new computor. As far as relationships go, I'm happy by myself, been by myself for ever. I'm non confrontational, but I don't like being pushed around so I pretty much chill by myself with a good book these days. If you need someone to talk to I'll be there. Sorry I don't have any better pictures, but I still haven't been able to work the scanner I dumpster dived for a few months ago.
Hardcore Metal,Hardcore Punk,Punk,Metal,and Alternative:The Locust,Converge,Old Hatebreed,Pixies,Mindless Self Indulgence,God Forbid,Zao,Kill Your Idols,Bikini Kill,Minor Threat,Pearl Jam,Tool,Throwdown, Sheer Terror,Reagan Youth,Ten Yard Fight+more
Revolver, Fight Club, The Matrix (hate the sequal),Taxi Driver,Hackers,Heathers,Cable Guy,Julian Donkey-Boy,Gummo,Snatch,Welcome To The Dollhouse,Akira,Ghost World,Clockwork Orange,Brazil,all the CampKillYourself shit,first Star Wars trilogy (New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi),12monkeys,Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas,
Arrested Development, The Office (NBC), Scrubs, Metalocalypse, Death Note, Gantz, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Witch Hunter Robin, Paranoia Agent, Noein, FLCL, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Home Movies, Simpsons, South Park, Flash Forward, Oz, The Wire, Viva La Bam, Jackass, Futurama, Family Guy, The Dave Chappelle Show
I'll go by authors: Chuck Palahniuk,Roger Zelazny,Philip K. Dick, Kurt Vonnegut,Doestoevsky,Goerge Orwell(not just 1984), John Kennedy Toole (haven't read The Neon Bible yet), F. Scott Fitzgerald (gay shmay i think he's just sensitive),just got into all of Steinbeck's early stuff, valleys and such,Umberto Eco,Lamour,Kafka,Hempel,Camus, Douglas Adams, and an android's buttload of old school nineteen sixties sci-fi. Some Sartre, mostly his early angry stuff. Jung can be fun if you want be condecending to people who tend to psychoanylize...don't get me started on poetry, I got a whole lot of names memorized to impress the ladies...William Blake but not when he's trying to write the sequal to Revelations if you know what I mean.
Hand models, Log Cabin Republicans, the wives of promiscuous authors, people who beleive in Jesus but not God, athiest satanists who attend episcopal church staff meetings, chast bi-sexual virgins, children in Africa, my Mom, Mark Twain's teenage love interests, Cthullu, Judas, the Ministry of Truth in Jayna Morgan's poetic epic Cruda Mallack, anyone who thinks they're better than me, the Son of Sam after he received Jesus into his life, the Hell's Angels, Science Apologists, anyone who would actually read this, oh yeah, and Andrew Chen, I want his skin, yada yada.