Aren't I interesting enough? Do I really need to be interested in anything that has no real impact on my most prized Alright....I'm not a conceeded asshole, I do care about other things then myself, however, if you really want to know something specific, just ask, as there are too many to list here.....maybe there's more to this crazy guy with blonde hair and aviators then meets the eye...
People who like rice, but only white sticky rice from the Chinese place down the street, none of that other crap. Definately no brown rice, or rice which has been contaminated with things such as butter.....just rice. Also, would like to meet someone with a nuclear submarine either for sale or lease....don't ask why, but I have big plans.....big plans indeed.....if you seriously think that i'm gonna add you as a friend without getting a message from you first where you actually try to talk to me and be my friend...then you can fuck fuck....that's right i'm talking about you...whatcha gonna do about it? Honky!!!!
Literally anthing but commercial country....old dirty country when they sing about tractors and shit is cool....but none of this new mass produced crap which they force down peoples throat and cause them to gag on it. Huge fan of anything I can bang my head to while at a concert so hard that I smack my forehead on the matter how far away I am. METAL!!!!!!!Type O Negative: Everything Dies
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I don't watch movies, I make my own....
and while you sit and stare at the oblivion on TV, something stares back. But it's not in the TV, it is on it, the shell of a human being, so absorbed with the lives being lived on the "tube" that he has forgotten about his own. It is fun to imagine that all of this is a television show, but we must come back to the here and the now before we are lost in the void of technology.
Anything by Voltaire, Theordore White, Dostoevsky, Hemmingway, Locke, Machiavelli, and things along those lines.
Pablo Escobar....any man who becomes more powerful then his country to the point where the US Government has to step in and assasinate him is worthy of my respect....Kurt Cobain and Ernest Hemmingway because they had the balls to do it....Mayor Adam West...and Guy Fawkes