mudcat profile picture


The greatest story ever hula-ed.

About Me

I am a nerd by day and rockstar at night. I am the CTO of a software consulting company and am the singer/bassist for the awesome Dallas band Maybe I Have A Chainsaw.

My Interests

I am interested in things. Mostly: bowling, aggressive music, hockey, Shiner, mountain climbing and friends. I volunteer for the Golden Retriever Rescue Society. I play poker with my friends pretty regularly.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet some new friends and women who are fun to be around, yet not completely insane.


I like very aggressive music and very ambient music. Favorites in the first column are Pig Destroyer, Botch, and Nasum. Favorites in the second column are Lustmord, Nurse With Wound and Inade.


Blazing Saddles, The Usual Suspects, Pulp Fiction.


I don't watch too much television other than The Simpsons, House and Stars games.


"Prime Obsession: Bernard Riemann and the Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics" by John Derbyshire, "Colorado Fourteeners" by Gerry Roach, "Superstrings: A Theory of Everything?" by Davies and Brown, "Hold 'em Poker" by David Sklansky, and "Mathematical Mysteries" by Calvin Clawson


Anyone who doesn't put audio or video samples on their myspace pages oR TyPe LiKe ThIs.