Maitreya profile picture


Can ya feel me....

About Me

can ya feel me?.... do you want to feel me?.... are you open to feeling me?.....surrender to the moment ...let go of your worries and cares and enjoy the bliss of life ... breathe deeply... relax... feel your body.... know that every moment is loving you ... i am laid back....i love to meet new people from all walks of life..... i respect and appreciate diversity and individuality.... i believe every day is a new opportunity to re-create ourselves into anyone we want to be.... i have no religion but the religion of Love and God is the Eternal body is the greatest gift the Creator gave me...treat others as you would like to be treated and treat yourself as you would like others to treat you....look within yourself to find the true source of Wisdom.....I am a King..... I am a Priest.... I am a Prophet.... I am a Lover...I am a Mystic.... I am One with Jah-Love....Sexy-confident women drive me wild....i wander aimlessly in search of nothing.....i ride the flow of spirit without any goals to reach...i practice the Tao by knowing there is nothing to practice...i know the secret pathway to freedom....where there are no rules.... and everyone gets along..... can ya feel me?.... do you want to feel me?.... are you open to feeling me?... the flow has magically brought me from CA to home to see family in Merrill, WI....i'm always into making new friends.....send a message and say hello....

My Interests

The Divine Source within all of us. Deep personal friendships that last an eternity.

I'd like to meet:

People with sweet smiles and sincerity on their lips when they speak. People who keep their word. People who don't blame others for their problems. People who have realized the path to freedom is within and practice discipline to achieve that freedom.


Music is good to Make Love to. The vibrations of music purify the body and the soul.


The Wizard Of Ozz...


the reason Americans are so intelligent....come on now... don't you have something better to do than watch TV 4 hours a day....


The Koran... Baghavad Gita.... Tibetan Book of the Dead... Rumi.... The Bible.... The Hiram Key (excellent book sheds light on the evil motivations and blatant lies of the early writers of the Bible)


all the Light-Workers, Dream-Weavers amd Love-Makers of the world....

My Blog

Latest News - President Bush and World Leaders Report To Me

 have an important Announcement..... I and God have been talking and we have come to the decision that I am King of the World..... President Bush and All the World leaders now report directly to ...
Posted by Maitreya on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 01:18:00 PST

The Shadow Energy

I'm going to address the Shadow Energy  today - You greedy, selfish, vain, egotistical muther-fucker.... You think it's all about you... and you will do anything at all costs to get what you...
Posted by Maitreya on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 10:50:00 PST

Transmitting Light

sending out love and light to all my beautiful friends... may each and every one of you find the Angel within and the Beauty that you are.... and together we can co-create a world of Peace void of vio...
Posted by Maitreya on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 06:09:00 PST

Jeremiah 17 Vs 5-8

I love this passage... it speaks of trusting in our internal world, The Source, which is the powerhouse of all creation.... this Source makes the stars shine and planets move..... It sustains all life...
Posted by Maitreya on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 06:23:00 PST


Listen to the windIt sings the song of the ancients.Listen to the riverShe will tell you all her secrets.Listen to the treesThey whisper eternal wisdom.Listen to the bright morning starHe will tell yo...
Posted by Maitreya on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 05:36:00 PST


..> ..> there's nothing to know...... never was, never will be.... and when you understand this undeniable Truth completely.... you will see and experience Life in all it's fullest.... ahhhhh but t...
Posted by Maitreya on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 12:49:00 PST

All are Equal and Loved in the Eyes of God

we are all created equals....Blacks, Whites, Yellows, and every shade inbetween.... Male and Female, neither one less or more important than the other..... Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Atheist,...
Posted by Maitreya on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 02:26:00 PST


the highest knowledge is knowing there is nothing more to do... with this comes a relaxed approach to every moment of life... knowing that I Have and I Am allows one to experience the sensual world fu...
Posted by Maitreya on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 09:42:00 PST

Just in case

Just in case you had forgotten for some stupid reason or other..... You are a beautiful light being.... Master of the Universe....... and one sexy human being
Posted by Maitreya on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 03:37:00 PST

Stream of Thought

now is the timenow is the timeto make a rymesomething a little higherhigher than the average buyerlooking to by your wharesmaybe in her underwearoh sweet pantiesso lacy and fancycome over hereand danc...
Posted by Maitreya on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 02:42:00 PST