After combatting ignorance, dust and disease, Grand Orient has managed to record songs enough for at least two albums, but due to staff-issues hasn’t really gotten their act together until late 2007. This is the reason for the band appearing now on MySpace, after having had songs circulated on the internet for a while.Main songwriters are Mike and Kristina. But as time progresses, others are expected to contribute.Btw, the song "American Scream" has often been very misinterpreted as taking a very tragic event and turning it into a popsong. That is not, I stress, NOT the case.
If people would listen before judging, things would be better all over the world.NOTE: "AMERICAN SCREAM" WAS MISTAKENLY DELETED FOR A WHILE HERE. IT’S NOW BACK AGAIN. MANY THANKS TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND THOSE WHO TAKE THEIR TIME TO THEIR TIME TO LISTEN TO OUR SONGS. WE LOVE YOU.Hope that someone enjoys something here./Mike.