Travel, Harley's (Biker Jousting Anyone??), Surfing, Wakeboarding, nice clubs & nicer restraunts, and of course everyone's favorite... SEXXX!!!
Darling Nikki?!?!You know,..from the song?? Or...just dropdead gorgeous girls that are into fitness and love the sun & surf , traveling, nice restraunts & cool clubs. I have a special place in my heart for Bi girls. They are on my "way cool list". Everyone loves a beautiful girl and its nice every now and then to have the company of more than one girl in the bedroom. Don't you agree? Yea...thought so!!
I listen to a very wide range of music. Mostly heavy shit. Just about all bases covered here though. As long as its not country &/or western. Hate that shit!!! Drives me fucking insane!!!!
Snatch,Heat,Scarface, Casino, Goodfellas, and Swordfish is one that a good friend of mine wrote & directed. His name is Skip Woods. He also wrote & directed Thursday with Mickey Rourk.
Christopher Columbus. What a great thing that was discovering America. I would'nt have found it! I don't know about ya'll, but I just would'nt have found it. Ya know...between all that yo ho ho and a bottle of rum shit. While we're on it... what's up with the ho's & the rum anyway???? Gotta luv em!!!!
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