Siren Productions actually started back in 1998 when we began producing stage shows for fringe festivals and small events. We also did a lot of "phototorials", which were photo-illustrated stories that were published online and usually involved people getting into some pretty horrible situations. Vampires and re-animated turkey carcasses (aka "Zombie Turkey") just to name a few examples.
After 2003 we took a bit of a break from stage production and went into other crazy little projects in order to build up some capital, purchase equipment, and study our hearts out for some greater ambitions - namely, film-making. It's taken us a few years to get situated while braving obstacles such as multiple hurricanes and a failing economy, but we're now ready to take the plunge into independent film-making with the addition of a new partner and a Roledex full of ambitious souls who want to see their names on the screen.
I'm not saying this is going to be easy. While many of us have plenty by way of theatrical experience, film is a crazy beast to ride. I set up this MySpace account with the hopes of reaching out to others in the Central Florida area who are interested in participating in some short films. The goal is to get a strong core team together who are comfortable working together so that we can start taking on feature film projects.