Zane Lamel BevanIn Memory Of Zane Bevan
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Custom Friends Space Generator
.I Have Too Many To Name.
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*****to be announced******
Boondock Saints Crash American History X Premonition Mean Girls P.S. I Love You Tommy Boy Dumb and Dumber A Time To Kill
ER takes it! In a close second would be WIll and Grace even tho it ended last season :(! ok ok so i left out the one that sums up my top 3 favorite shows i love watching those MATH classes on TV you learn so much why go to college??? Seriously tho?
Friends are my life and there are a few that have been there through the hardest time in my life.
Zanner was one of those people who left to soon here on earth but i know he is still watching over me and he will always be in my heart. He showed me how to be a true friend. He will live on through me and be with me every step of my life! (literally) Dont forget to tell your friends and others that you care about how much they mean to you, cause life is too short
Natalie is my FBF and we are basically sisters... believe me we act like it. HA! Honestly she is the ONE who knows everything about and and loves me maybe even more after seeing all my imperfections. Thats what true friendship is about. I am so lucky to have her and her family in my life. I will never be able to repay her for the things she has done for me! Love ya BUDDDDDY!
Brandee i cant put into words what to tell people about one of the most amazing people i have in my life which is you! I am soo thankful for you being there for me the last couple months, its been so nice. We have made so many memories already i cant wait to make more. I hope that we can be friends forever, its the best feeling in the just sayin!
There are so many others but these three are the ones who have made the biggest impact on my life. I love all my friends and and they are all heroes to me in different ways and they make me a better person by just being themselves.