Dave Matthews Band concerts, travel, Texas Hold 'em poker, movies, art (galleries and museums), camping, shopping, cycling, hanging out with friends...
Also horseback riding, Pilates, yoga, writing, music, computers, gardening, roaming around old graveyards--I know it sounds kind of Goth, but they're really intriguing & serene. ..
Pretty much anyone, but especially other DMB fans. If you love the band, we already have something huge in common : )
"There is nothing false about hope."
My favorite lines from my favorite song:
Dave Matthews on sex, balding and goals. The man just makes me smile... what else can I say?
Music speaks to the soul in ways that can't be explained. Just watch someone at a concert so wrapped up in the music that their body is moving with the rhythm & they're totally unaware of anything else going on around them.
I live for DMB, in my opinion, the greatest band ever- each of them are exceptional musicians who obviously love what they do for a living.
My daughter and I have been making it to a couple of Dave Matthews Band concerts every year.
We went to all four nights at Red Rocks in 2005, which was so amazing.
Last year, we made 5 DMB concerts in Arizona & Southern California. This year, it's the Mile High Music Festival in July and Labor Day weekend at the Gorge in Washington.
Besides DMB, here are a few artists I've listened to on the iPod lately...just a few, cause there are too many to mention...John Mayer, Jack Johnson, Damien Rice, Coldplay, Oasis, Jackson Browne, Sarah McLachlan, Death Cab for Cutie (LOVE the band, hate the name. "Plans" is one of the best albums ever!), Amos Lee, Bonnie Raitt, Ingrid Michaelson, Bob Marley, Paulo Nutini, The Cure & lots of others. I love live music of any kind-- there's nothing like a live band.
I also love classical music (Vivaldi & Mozart being my favorites) and other genres, including jazz, ethnic, reggae, opera... good music is just good music, no matter the type.
The Shawshank Redemption, Kundun, Garden State, Lost in Translation, Seven Years in Tibet, Crash, L.A. Confidential, Office Space, American Beauty, The Usual Suspects, Memento, Sliding Doors, The Pursuit of Happyness, You've Got Mail (my guilty pleasure), old classics like Breakfast at Tiffany's, To Kill a Mockingbird, Roman Holiday, foreign films. I'm not really into big, mindless, predictable, formulaic blockbuster movies.Some recent movies I've seen in the theatre: The Bucket List, Semi-Pro, 27 Dresses, Superhero Movie, The Bank Job, Fool's Gold, Jumper, Juno, Smart People, 21, Forgetting Sarah Marshall...
Sex & the City, Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Sopranos, SNL, Conan O'Brien & David Letterman. I'm not that much into tv, but I've become completely addicted to The Girls Next Door on E! and American Idol (David Cook's my choice this year)
Classics, Shakespeare, poetry, good bestsellers, mysteries, gardening & cook books. I recently finished, "Water for Elephants" by Sara Gruen & another one by her called, "Riding Lessons." I just finished "Eat Pray Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert & I loved it. Also "The Audacity of Hope" by Barack Obama & I'm getting ready to start "The Book of Lost Things" by John Connolly.
I don't like the word "hero"- how about some of the people I respect the most?
Like the Dalai Lama, whose compassion & vision of peace for the world is unwavering and inspiring. His words, "Be kind whenever possible. It's always possible" are inspiring & good advice to all of us to live by. Too bad more people don't.
My beautiful & sweet daughter, who is so much braver & stronger than I ever imagined she'd turn out to be. She gives me a million reasons to be proud of here & believe that I must have done something really wonderful to have her in my life.