cheeses of the world, cooking, good times, serial commas, sudoku, crosswords, nerding out, and crafts.
I want to live like myspace people, I want to do whatever myspace people do, I want to sleep with myspace people, I want to sleep with myspace people, like you.
kinks, girl talk, belaire, beirut, para one, detroit cobras, boys noize, institubes, oblivians, justice, reigning sound, dressy bessy, observers, lungfish, sharon jones, justice, beach boys, celebration, epoxies, mstrkrt, heavenly, dj screw, the knife, some of the bands i know, ultimate dragons, some other shit where i saw you at the show but got all scenester-talky and didn't watch, the carter family, that band a few years ago at emo's inside that had like four drummers, oneida and jucifer live only, floor, whatever crap it is you're playing in now that i feel obligated to go to and then vaguely guilty because it's pretty good but i sort of just wanted to catch up with your ex, brothers and sisters, whatever indie/punkrock/pop cred band the young people are supposed to like, spacenecks
technicolor + singing + dancing. or funny and absurd. or you could have jimmy stewart or cary grant wiggle his dick at me for two hours, and as long as he danced i'd be amused.
i have a librarything. go look at it. it's not updated.