Pete Yorn, Elliot Smith, Gorillaz, Zeppelin, Johnny Cash, Beatles, Radiohead, Pearl Jam, NIN, The Who...I like just about anything really.
Fight Club, Snatch, Godfather, Pulp Fiction, Garden State, Clerks, Vanilla Sky, Batman Begins, 21 Grams, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Magnolia, American Beauty, The Mexican, High Fidelity, Kill Bill, All the President's Men, Ed Wood, Akira, Psycho, Vertigo, Full Metal Jacket, The Shining, Clockwork Orange
LOST! Dear god addicting! Arrested Development (though the fuckers cancelled it, those bastards), Family Guy, Non-stop ESPN, Adult Swim. Starting to get into some other random dramas, but not alot...
Fahrenheit 451, 1984, Animal Farm, Dante's Divine Comedy, Lord of the Rings, Poetry by Poe and Tennyson
Stephen Hawking, John Locke (No, not the bald guy from the island), and Georg Ohm have influenced my life greater than any other figure in history.