"We believe that God chooses to use music and times of corporate worship as a means to draw His children closer to Himself, bring revelation, cast vision, soften hearts, even awaken a genuine desire for Himself in the lives of His church. We want people to experience the presence of God in our times spent praising and worshiping Him because we know that when people have a genuine encounter with the living God, they will never be the same! There is so much more we feel God wants to accomplish through these times of worship; such as bringing unity amongst the churches in the surrounding areas; bringing healing, restoration and freedom to the lives of individuals; and causing an awakening, a stirring, and a sense of awe to arise within His people! These are the things we long to see and be a part of. It's all about Jesus, for his honor and glory, for the advancement of His kingdom, for His great renown." -The Spark
The Spark is a worship project that has developed as a part of Living Light School of Worship's Internship Program. Based out of Kenosha, WI, their desire is to write and play worship songs that are not only relevant to today's youth culture, but provoke change and ignite passion for God in the hearts of this generation. Currently leading worship every other Sunday at Living Light Christian Church, The Spark has also led worship for several youth groups and youth events in the Kenosha area. They have led worship for city-wide events including "Pray Kenosha" involving members of more than 7 different area churches and "The Gathering" involving teens and young adults from more than 5 different area churches. Though their main focus is currently within their own community, The Spark has also had involvement with Visible School in Memphis, TN., Trinity College in Illinois, and are open to the possibility of playing and leading worship in other areas.
Ephesians 1:18-19 "I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the wonderful future He has promised to those He called. I want you to realize what a rich and glorious inheritance He has given to His people. I pray that you will begin to understand the incredible greatness of His power for us who believe Him."!!! Start Code To Apply Top Banner !!!!