Goodnight Blue Sky [David Jacob] profile picture

Goodnight Blue Sky [David Jacob]

Hope deferred makes the heart sick.

About Me

About Me...H ello, I'm David Jacob.
Welcome to Goodnight Blue Sky; a picturesque, gentle flow of thoughtful and affectionate melodies. Some of them might even induce a state of idle and pleasant contemplation. It sounds complicated, but it really isn't. There's not much to it: just me and a guitar.
I've been fascinated by music from as early as I can remember. I learned from experience that music can evoke a spectrum of emotions …intoxicating joy and smiles…utter despair and wretched hopelessness. …all stirred up within ourselves by these wavelengths of sound and spirit. This truly fascinates me. I have been playing piano since I was about 7 years old. I took lessons until I was about 14. This is where I learned a sufficient amount of music theory. Still, I can always remember wanting to re-write the songs to make them less of an exercise and to make them relatable and emotional. Currently I enjoy playing and trying to improvise using traditional jazz standards. I don't profess to be a great drummer, but I have an electronic drum set in my room, and I can lay down some groves. I play bass as well…and I prefer the 5-string because of the low and beautiful sound. …I don't, however profess to be a 'bass player'. I started playing guitar when I was about 9. I have only had about one and a half years of guitar lessons. As far as playing music goes, I am far better at playing from the heart (by ear), as opposed to reading sheet music. I remember playing "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana (one of the first songs I figured out as a child) on my small nylon-stringed student guitar! As the days went by, I started writing my own music. I was unsatisfied with the music I was hearing around me…I needed something I could feel deep within my heart. I never actually intended to be a performing musician. I would always write songs for the sake of writing, recording, and listening to them. I never really expected anyone would enjoy them…I always thought that these were just personal songs and no one would really take an interest to them. These were songs that were written when I was 16 and 17. Most of them were instrumental because I never considered myself to be a singer. I am a strong believer in being able to convey just as much of a message through instrumental music as through music with lyrics. The listener simply has to listen with closed eyes and an open heart. As time went by, I started to show a few close friends some music I had recorded…and they liked it! I heard about MySpace and I thought I'd take a chance and put some music on there. To my surprise, it went over well. I suppose I was surprised because my expectations were that people would find my music boring. It was slow, deep, and wordless. About 2 years ago, I was in a music class in college, when my professor was listening to some of my music and told me that it would be nice to have some words with it. I gave it some thought, and concluded that he was right. Ever since then, I have been writing heartfelt music with lyrics to compliment the passionate melodies. More recently, I have been trying to write music that has a 'catchier', if you will, sound to it. I feel that the change in style is more audience friendly and mature. I don't feel as though I've lost a sense of the deepness and emotion as in my earlier melodies. I believe that the change makes music more appealing to a wider range of personalities. …and that's the short answer!As for my influences, I'd say the biggest one is The Deftones. I think they are absolutely amazing and never given enough credit. I also love Sigur Ros, M83, Copeland, and Imogen Heap. I do enjoy many different styles of music. I love jazz standards, rap music, hardcore rock, ambient, trance/electronica, shoegaze, classical, and the like.
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Proverbs 13:12
Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life

Please watch and enjoy this video I made

My Interests


Member Since: 3/6/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: David Jacob

Jesus Christ, the sound of moments where one is still aware enough to realize that he/she is about to fall to sleep.... .... real bands: Six Parts Seven, M83, Team Sleep, Explosions In The Sky, Red Stars Theory, Deftones, Mogwai, Tarentel, Mercury Program, Maserati, Onelinedrawing. .....and other melodies that I just hear in my head.
Sounds Like: Copeland, Onelinedrawing, Dashboard Confessional, Deftones, the Early November.
Record Label: Goodnight Blue Sky Records
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Some thoughts...(new blog)

Even as you are sitting there...with your feet on the ground, you may not even realize some very important things. The crazier this appears to be, the more you need to think about it:Twelve nights ago...
Posted by Goodnight Blue Sky [David Jacob] on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 10:09:00 PST

INTERVIEW with Right Brained Racine !!!!

Recently, I had the privilage of being interviewed (they also wrote a review as well) by Right Brained Racine. Right Brained Racine is a publication devoted to artists and events around Racine, WI.The...
Posted by Goodnight Blue Sky [David Jacob] on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 04:23:00 PST

Who? ...Schizophrenia?

...ok so my bath towel has been missing for three nights in a row. But somehow, everymorning i can wake up, shower, and dry myself off with it. Then, by some unexplaned happening, it dissapears a...
Posted by Goodnight Blue Sky [David Jacob] on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 06:32:00 PST