monsters in my bed and gettting really really really shit face drunk and blacking out
My carrot man is all i need if you can't provide then get off of me like a slide.
Anything thats loud obnoxious really ridiculous and singing everything out of key out of tune out of synck and even the wrong words. hell ya
every way you imagine and take that turn it around flip it roll it bob it stick it...hey whats that little red light?
A strange occurence in our society were homosapians gather in front of a box were they receive images and then structure their behavior accordingly to that of which they see.From there the assumption of who is important and who is disposable is developed. Although who is important? Aaa well when the tsunami hits believe you me ain't no movie star gonna do shit for me, the people around you, your neighbors your community seriously you only have those around you to come to your aid as you to theirs. So getting back to keepin it real tune off your tube, turn on your communication skills and talk to someone, theirs millions out there or sit siliently and think because if you waste life you waste your death.
I must admit reading 1984 and being aware of the media its definetly close to reality, and the reality is that the masses truly have the ability to keep the peace but it is the ruling minority that creates war, so the best way to keep the peace is for the troops to disagree with their commander and acess that the peace begins with the people and their free will to be peaceful and also dropping bombs is the most undignified, cowardly,unskillful and untactile way of fighting.So even the deaths of these warriors is unprideful no strength is needed only ignorance and loyalty to the wolve in sheeps skin.Also without war there would be no fear without any fear their is no need for dictatorship and with that we all could receive true freedom.And maybe at last my true love will arive.