Everybody has a story so here is some of mine. It ain't all that happy but it isn't all bad either. In 1985 the Bears won the Super Bowl and I was diagnosed with a central nervous system diseae called multiple sclerosis or MS. I was about eleven. I still had it pretty good growing up I just had to put up with a few minor MS related things. I played sports, I dated, I worked, I went out, blah, blah, blah. In September of '95, shortly after I met my wife, MS hit me hard and kept hitting until '01 when I got some experimental chemotherapy. From '95 to '01 I went from walking with a cane, to a walker, to a wheelchair. Fast forward to Summer '06. I finaly get wiith a great group of physical therapists and now I'm up and walking (started in the parallel bars) but now I'm back to a walker with the aid of some orthotics (leg braces ala Forest Gump's "magic shoes"). So now all I have to do is bust my ass in therepy and stay positive.
I got my first tattoo in '03. I been hooked ever since.
90% of the work was done @ Deluxe Tattoo in Chicago (www.deluxetattoo.com). Hannah Aitchison did all but 5 pieces. Ben Wahhh did 3 of those five. Awesome shop. Awesome work.All my ink in chronological order:
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