babytour '06. sea glass and memories of collecting sea glass on sea glass beaches. domestic violence in film & television. HORROR MOVIES!!! cold cold carrot juice. nephew. dresses and skirts w/pockets. taz tatts. new balance and sas shoes (gramma styles).reading in bed or in the sun. this american life (the radio show-- geez louise!). walking around town. swimming in the ocean. texas swimming holes. board games. bike rides. camping. road trips. blood oranges. squirrels: the ones at berkeley are fat and brave; the ones at ut are thin and skittish. THE ROOSTER!!-- no, not that alice in chains song, nerd... david sedaris' little bro!
dogs with beards and or expressive eyebrows. and harry dean stanton. just to give him a hug, how can someone look so sad for so long?!
CIRCLE (live)=best band ever!! those fins (finns?) blew my mind, man.emmylou harris is nice, too. beirut. smog. oh smog. joanna newsom (but why must those 2 cuties keep playing austin right in the middle of my paper writing frenzies?!--woe is me). cat stevens. witchcraft on halloween was awesomedude.
yes:PEEPING TOM. pee-wee's big adventure. paris, texas. RED DAWN. per un pugno di dollari. per qualche dollaro in piu. ice storm. bonnie&clyde (young faye dunaway is some hott stuffs, lemme tell you). raising arizona. badlands. do the right thing. the celebration. dr. strangelove. HARLAN COUNTY. texas chainsaw massacre('74). i know you're in there i can smell your brains! (not really, but i love that line. it's in return of the living dead). rivers&tides. monster (what's not to love about first kisses to journey's, "don't stop believing" in a roller rink?). rope. the carousel crash at the end of strangers on a train is ruling. afterlife. what'seatinggilbertgrape. "straight down the line, baby." all ian mckellan-- he's the spittin image of my pops. JU-ON. kwaidon. firestarter. deliverance (forget rape, man-- burt reynolds w/out his stache is definitely the most disturbing thing in that film). breaking away (thanks to sweet dave). kaige chen: yellow earth and the emperor and the assassin-- i'd like to see more. nicole holofencer. land of the dead for all its class-conscious glory (and guts feasting). me and you and everyone we know. and three amigos!
i miss freaks and geeks & 6 feet under. jeopardy! i think the (american) office is the best thing on tv right now (although i don't have cable and i do love the british office, too). woohoo andy's back!
carson mccullers. jeffrey eugenides. tennessee williams. vonnegut. fangoria. j.t. leroy. at home in the world (by this lady who was salinger's lady when she was 18 and he was a million-- good stuff). this short by italo calvino about this dude who works the night shift and his wife gets up in the middle of the night every night to make him breakfast and then crawls back into their bed and sleeps on his side so... anyways. i don't know why i'm so sappy. that reminds me, perks of being a wallflower. HP numero sei. men, women, and chainsaws: gender in the modern horror film. mcsweeney's enchanted chamber of astonishing stories-- just like old twilight zone episodes. feminist film theory. and stuff on class.
LAIR OF THE MINOTAUR. for coming up with possibly the best freaking band name ever.