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The Erik Conspiracy


About Me

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My Interests

photography , my friends, driving, CS/EE, newcastle, guinness, fat tire, bass, di saronno, acura, virgos, downtown/midtown sacramento, sushi, fire, mischief, your wireless network, biking, intelligent lighting and sound, hugs, sugar-free rockstar (was redbull), sidewalk art (stencils, condiments, and pumpkins), destructive art, body art, light sculpture, abandoned buildings and urban exploration, sacramento underground, lightning, phone tech, pyrotechnics, the Middle of Nowhere, unix, rooftops, cheesecake, beautiful people (you know who you are), hoarding information/data/knowledge, burning man, DJing, drum&bass, audio/video engineering, passion, redheads ... I'm not just spouting off things i'm "interested in". I've honestly DONE, had, or been a part of these things already.

I'd like to meet:

Lovers, Teachers, Initiators, Infiltrators, Innovators, Burners, Co-conspirators, Drivers, Boat Rockers but not Yacht Rockers, Geeks, Freaks, Leaks, and Streaks.


I love a little bit of everything. More love for labels and artists with the balls to tell the RIAA and their evil empire to fuck off. VINYL is my weapon of choice.

Influential producers/DJs:
Breakage, Digital, Optiv, Seba, Paradox, Klute, Concord Dawn, Aphrodite, AK1200, Black Sun Empire, Blame, SKC, Logistics, Commix, High Contrast, Martsman, Cartridge, London Electricity, Juju, Basic Operations, Gremlinz, Zinc.


The essentials I keep with me ... Black Snake Moan, Reservoir Dogs, Office Space, Snatch (dags?), Ghost in the Shell, Ghost World, Ghost Dog, Team America, Secretary ... Also, Night of the Comet, Ice Pirates (space herpes!), Cherry 2000, Breakfast Club, NERDS, Bladerunner, Titan AE, Suicide Kings, Spaceballs, Leon/The Professional, Ronin, American Psycho, Fifth Element (MOOLTIPASS), any gary oldman/steve buschemi/quentin tarantino/kevin spacey flicks...


Heroes, news, Discovery Channel, and the late-night test pattern show.


I have ADD when it comes to most novels. Give me a newspaper, documentary, or something philosophical i can relate to.


Marconi, Tesla, Da Vinci, Watt, Floyd, Nietzsche, Banksy, my amazing friends.

My Blog

bmtix. i has them.

for tendency and i.  not yours.omfgwee.
Posted by The Erik Conspiracy on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 11:17:00 PST

not quite

I've already admitted part of my secret.  Find the rest of it.Pick a empty number 1-200 and write a secret. Don't tell anyone your number it's a secret. Just repost when done, everyone has a secr...
Posted by The Erik Conspiracy on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 05:39:00 PST

tagged like a clearance special

Once you have been tagged, you must write a blog containing 10 weird, random things, (facts, habits or goals) about yourself. At the end, select 10 people to be tagged, listing their names and the rea...
Posted by The Erik Conspiracy on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 05:09:00 PST

Opening the box

Nighttime photos I've done recently.  More to come.The Box:Lightfall:Clicky!  (they're huge photos)...
Posted by The Erik Conspiracy on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 04:08:00 PST


Posted by The Erik Conspiracy on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 04:57:00 PST

NY trip pics

Some images from my trip to NY (clicky)the photos that appear random or out of place actually have special meaning.  i also didn't really go to NY to take pictures, so most of these are "just fuc...
Posted by The Erik Conspiracy on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 02:13:00 PST

Meet Boots!

I picked up Boots earlier tonight.  10-week old Tuxedo kitten from Roseville.  He's basically a Mini-Beezle, and Beezle's been lonely long enough.  Click on the images below to embiggif...
Posted by The Erik Conspiracy on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 12:41:00 PST


half my friends are saying aloud, "i'm not getting any and it sucks!"DO THE MATH.kthx.p.s. 1+1=yay
Posted by The Erik Conspiracy on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 03:53:00 PST


:Dthat is all.
Posted by The Erik Conspiracy on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 02:34:00 PST

my favorite car evar is now gone forevar :(

so please donut ask me if i'm okay.  I'M OH-FUCKING-KAY.  seriously.  my left hand is banged up, and got two big bruises on my arm and leg.  everything else is fine.  the car ...
Posted by The Erik Conspiracy on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 07:14:00 PST