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I'm a reletively calm person in the way that I'm not reletively calm at all, but that's only sometimes. I'm generally optimistic with a pessimistic overlay, a really dirty window, if you will. I like chaos, organized chaos, not like, everyone's on fire or the galaxy is melting, just like enough shock value to keep things interesting or else I think I'd be comatose.
Palm City, Florida has inspired me to learn to say "keep off the grass" in at least seven different languages.
I over punctuate my sentances and over exaggerate my stories. Either that or I'm bland and unpunctuated and seriously, I'll make your brain break.
I'm not obsessed and do not indulge myself in reality TV. These rediculous "post teenage beach kids with too much of Daddy's money" shows really do rot your brain. And people can tell.
Stop watching tv, take up:
Pop Tart toasting.
Dumpster diving.
I read books by scatter brained authors. I say things that make no sense whatsoever but make all the sense in the world.
I take pictures and I'd like to think I'm good at it.
The best conversations are held in dark parking lots, in the rain, at bizzare hours, and often don't involve talking.
However, the best company is experianced in hole in the wall Chinese food resturaunts or coffee shops. Hotel rooms that you're not supposed to be in. Hallways, streets, other people's appendages that you're
But that just makes it fun and worth it.
Really worth it.
I've got a few people in my life that are the apple cores in my compost pile. Yes, that's a good thing. That's a great thing.
Find it.
Find it (later).
Actually, scratch that. Let it come to you.
Either that or you're ignorant and it's always been there.
Either way, don't put it under a microscope.
Ignore it until it doesn't deserve to be ignored anymore.
Let it like
Explode, you know.
And don't ever say anyone else is your entire world. Not even me. No one should ever be that, because chances are, nothing will ever hold up for that long. Example A: Our planet and its entirety.
Don't put all of yourself into one thing.
Not only is that boring, but you're trying to be broad on a really narrow spectrum, in which you could actually be multi-tasking and accomplishing more on a spectrum that's much bigger than you think it is. And more colorful.
By the way, don't listen to me.
Sometimes you people just need to breathe, really, actually, just fucking breathe.
You'd think you'd never seen rain.