You Have A Type B+ Personality
You're a pro at going with the flow
You love to kick back and take in everything life has to offer
A total joy to be around, people crave your stability.
While you're totally laid back, you can have bouts of hyperactivity.
Get into a project you love, and you won't stop until it's done
You're passionate - just selective about your passions Do You Have a Type A Personality?
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||| 30%
Stability |||||||||||||||||| 73%
Orderliness |||||| 26%
Accommodation |||||||||||| 43%
Interdependence |||||||||||| 43%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||| 70%
Mystical |||||||||||||| 56%
Artistic |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Religious || 10%
Hedonism |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Materialism |||||| 30%
Narcissism |||||||||||||||| 70%
Adventurousness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Work ethic || 10%
Self absorbed |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||| 43%
Need to dominate |||||||||||| 50%
Romantic |||||||||||| 50%
Avoidant |||||||||| 36%
Anti-authority |||||||||||||| 56%
Wealth |||||||||||| 43%
Dependency |||||||||||||| 56%
Change averse |||||||||||| 50%
Cautiousness |||||||||||| 50%
Individuality |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Physical security |||||||||||||||| 70%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||||| 57%
Histrionic |||||| 23%
Paranoia |||| 16%
Vanity |||||||||||| 50%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||| 43%
Female cliche |||| 16% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by
what famous leader are you
You're extremely peaceful and are a sound pacifist. you are a good leader but sometimes viewed as weak by others because of your dislike of violence. Your methods are effective and do not harm people along the way, so in reality this is what every leader should strive to be like.
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You scored as Progressive Metalist. Progressive metalist!!! You like bands like Pagan's mind and shadow gallery, you think long songs are great and good in quality.
Progressive Metalist
Heavy Metal/Old School
Black Metalist
Power Metalist
Thrash Metalist
Death Metalist
Funeral Doom Metalist
Which metal genre do you love the most? (Prepare for a long quiz!!!)
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What Monty Python Character are you?
Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who!
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What Beatle are you?
John Lennon
You enjoy poetry, painting & a fine wine. A lover not a fighter.
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Which Classic Rock Band Are You?
The Beatles
You are - THE BEATLES You are a very laid back person. You don't care when other people dont accept your ways.But what does this have to do with The Beatles!!!The Beatles rock! And so do you.
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What's Your Stoner Nickname?
Tweak and Cha One of the most fun and weirdest stoners their are. You often say dumb shit that turns out to be hilarious after a few seconds. You often make weird sounds and twitch a lot. You will use your skills of twitching and weird sounds to make up for shitty jokes you have told which strangely evens things out. You love smoking and hanging out with your friends and making an ass out of yourself. Definitely a nice and cool person to blaze it up with
Alcohol-Drugs-Vices Quizzes
You are 81% stoner
You are a huge stoner. You are probably stoned right now. You like the constant escapism and brownies… yeah definitely brownies. Your motto “Whatever gets you through your life, it’s alrightâ€
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Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle are You? (pics)
You've been described as 'the brains' of your family or group of friends. You're the natural born, 'Mr. Fixit'. You're also considered the most reserved, preoccupied with your own little thoughts and ideas. But that doesn't mean you don't hang with your family and friends! But, you still find it easy to get lost in your own thoughts...daydreaming often. You'd rather talk things out than fight. You long for a day when there's nothing but peace in the world, and when you can finally rest with your own thoughts. Violence is something the world could completely live without. One of your labels may be, 'true to blue friend'. You're strong at heart and powerful at mind.
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You Are a Prophet Soul
You are a gentle soul, with good intentions toward everyone.
Selfless and kind, you have great faith in people.
Sometimes this faith can lead to disappoinment in the long run.
No matter what, you deal with everything in a calm and balanced way.
You are a good interpreter, very sensitive, intuitive, caring, and gentle.
Concerned about the world, you are good at predicting people's feelings.
A seeker of wisdom, you are a life long learner looking for purpose and meaning.
You are a great thinker and communicator, but not necessarily a doer.
Souls you are most compatible with: Bright Star Soul and Dreaming Soul
What Kind of Soul Are You? Blogs - 5,000 years of religious war in 90 seconds - Christopher (formerly known as
And Religion does no harm?