cooking, bitches, dolmio, vino, basil, brie, bacon, sanwijeanos!
Ainsley Hariot - I would love to bop him one right on da honker, he infuriate Chef Rosso so muchos wiv his arrogante handa gestures and his silly shirts, what isa wrongo with a setta da whites?Allesandro Del Pierro - He isa Chef Rosso's Favorito fussball genius!
Pavarotti is ma little bitta bellisimo! he help me do a da concentratino in da kitchen!
can'ta cook wont'a cook! - ready steady cookie - too many chefs (people saya there is a only one chef rosso) - masterchef - jamies kitchen (is nota as good as rosso's!)
Ah have a lot of de cooker books in da shelves of rosso mansion, maybe you come visit me and we have a wee looky bitch?
Pavaroti - Egon from da ghostybusters - tick tock (he isa da best friend of mr rosso!)