Bailey profile picture


The Eater of Unedible-Things

About Me

Hello everyone!
My name is Bailey Blue and I am a 5 year old Blue and Gold macaw. I don't remember where I was born, but now I live in Charleston, WV with my mommy and my 7 tiny brothers and sisters Judas, Killian, Frith, Atilla, Asher, Zeeb and Jambi they're just budgies though, there is also jane the lovebird and Feigan the cockatiel! I'd like to eat them.
My mommy has had me for about two years, and I love her alot. Before she got me, I was eating an all-seed diet, which I liked, but she said it wasn't good for me, which I guess is true because now my feathers are stunning and shiney and clean. I was kept in a tiny cage, and I know my first mommy loved me, but she had lots and lots to do all the time, and I didn't get many cuddles or scritches.
But now, my new mommy is great. She bought me a new cage, and gave me this really yummy food. She also cooks for me all the time, noodles, beans, noodles, potatoes, corn, green beans, noodles and stuff with cheese, which is my favorite!
Mommy also gives me alot of toys, which is awesome, I love chewing things up, especially remote controls, which mommy said isn't good at all, and she seemed kind of mad. But I know she still loves me.
I was really sick a few months ago, and I almost died. The vet said I had contrated something called Sudomonas. I had to take medicine for weeks and weeks, and my mommy was so sad because even though the vet said it wasn't her fault, my mommy thought it was. But I'm all better now, and Im feeling great and back to my old ways of chewing things up and being loud!
All in all, I have a great life. I have cool brothers and sisters and my mommy feeds me good food and gives me fun toys. I also take showers with her all of the time and I have a great deal of fun everyday. I love my life!!
Lets Talk Food!!!

What is the main Parrot food that you eat? Harrison's Adult Lifetime Coarse, TOP and Golden'Obles
What is your favorite Treat? I love Brazil nuts, cooked food and crunchy peanut butter.
Is your treat dish the same as your main food dish? Nope, I have 4 dishes in my cage.
How offten does your owner give you a treat? Everyday!
What is your favorite Cereal? I love Kashi and this other organic stuff my mum gets
What is your favorite Vegtable? I like lots of them! Yams, sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, peas, kale, spinach...
What is your Favorite Fruit? All of them!
Do you like Popcorn or Just corn? Both!
Do you eat alone, or with another bird? Alone, I don't like to share.
Do you own a toy that has food in it? I have 4 of them!
How many toys are in your cage? Over 10!
Do you share your cage with another bird? Nope, its all mine!
Are your wings clipped? Nope!
What color are your feathers? Blue, black, turquoise, yellow..all kinds of colors!
How often are you out of your cage during the day? More than 10 hours!
What human words or sounds do you say? Bye bye, hello! hi! baby shut up, step-up, Ack-ack! Nononono! UhUHuhuh. Eheheheh. Bless you. *cough* *hahahaha!* *ahCHOO*
Ever layed an egg, or is a father of other birds? Nope
What other pets do you have in your house? Mum has 9 Budgies, a cockatiel, a lovebird, 3 cats and she keeps saying something about a dog...
What is you Name? Bailey Bluebird.
Where were you hatched? In Virginia
Do you have a mate? My mommy!
What is your Favorite Toy? The Vacuum.
Where in the cage do you always stand? On my comfy perch or my sandy perch
Do you have a mirror in your cage? Yes
Does your Owner Subscribe to Bird Talk Yep!
How tall are you? I'm about 36 inches longgg
What color are your eyes? Grey-ish white.
Are you the Best Bird Ever? Of course! :

My Interests

Bailey's interests include:
Eating, sleeping, playing, chewing, bathing, hopping, listening to music, throwing up on her mom, chewing her mom's clothes, making typos, dancing, whistling, screaming, peanuts, tearing up things that belong to mommy, chasing the cats, whiffle balls, brazilnuts, pooping, laughing, mimicking my mom coughing, chirruping, shiney things, bobbing my head, headbanging to mommy's metal, being babied, cuddling, cooing, preening, loving my mommy.

I'd like to meet:

Other parrots and friendly pets!

Gimme some hot birdy lovin'!


I like what my mommy, likes, which is alot of the following!
I like anything punk, with an upbeat tune, like My Chemical Romance, AFI, and the used. I also like hard things I can dance to, like Arch enemy, and And Oceans, and Otep!
I reeally like other things like 80's music and techno!

Gimme some
phat jungle beat
anytime baby!

