..These are the prayers of the millennium development goal of the Episcopal church USA...please join us in prayer for our world....- As we await the coming of our Savior, let us pray for the world God so loves, particulary for those whose cries are known only to Christ, the Word made flesh. -That God whose son Jesus Christ was born not in the palace of a king but in the throes of poverty, may hear the cries of the poor, hungry, and oppessed, and maymove human hearts to hear their cries as well. -For those who lack access to basic education, that the light of knowledge may blossom and shine in the lives of all of Gods people. -For and end to the divisions and inequalities that scar Gods creation, particulary the barriers to freedom faced by Gods children throughout the world because of gender; that all who have been formed in Gods image might have eqaulity in pursuit of the blessings of creation. -For and end to pandemic disease throughout the world, that plagues of death may no longer fuel poverty, destabilize nations, and inhibit reconciliation and restoration throughout the world. -For and end to waste and desecration of Gods creation, that all communities and nations may find sustenance in the fruits of the earth and the water God has given us. -For all people who already enjoy the abundance of creation and the blessings of prosperity, that their hearts may be lifted up to the needs of the poor and afflicted. Lord Jesus hear our Prayers. Amen.
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Click here to post this on your page or 'blogI want to meet peace-Lovers and peace makers, people who love life and who want to engage creation in wonder and awe. I want to meet people who don't live by blind faith, but are willing to ask why? and to learn more about Jesus, people who are willing to rock the boat a little while they step out of it and into that stormy water toward our Lord who is already walking toward us through the storm. I want to meet others who like me can sit by the ocean and feel really small, others who look to the stars and imagine the greatness of the God who made these very stars by his breath ( psalm 33:6 ) i want to meet other sojourners along the way, who walk that narrow path of life, who don't want the newest car, the biggest house, the most stuff, but who simply are thankful for what they have right now, and more would be okay, but right now is just fine, i want to meet people who think dandy loins are actually pretty cool for weeds, and i know there is someone out there brave enough to say i dont want to grow up if growing up means we lose that childlike faith and heart of wonder. I know Jesus came to this world to turn upside down the religious thinking of his day, and i think Jesus probably thinks the church today at a whole is a pretty pathetic country club. I want to meet other Christ Followers who want to be the change we envision in this world, and i don't believe my mother when she told me i cant change the world, because in Christ all things are possible, are you with me?
Christian MySpace Graphics
Christian MySpace Graphics
David Crowder band,Shane and Shane, Shawn Mcdonald,Phil Wickham,jeremy camp,Third Day,Chris tomlin, ,just to name a few, Music is a gift from the Lord and for me it has always helped me to reach a place within me that allows me to express myself in ways that i cannot in words or even in thoughts sometimes, With music i can Praise God, Music is a language to me, maybe even the language of my spirit...
okay this is where i will reveal the true inner dork..i love movies from the 80's and early 90's..i especially love The Ghost Busters, Caddy Shack, Earnest goes to camp, The Breakfast club, i love any movie that makes me laugh...you really cant find too many movies these days that are worth watching...and one of my personal all time favorites..... ' The Goonies'
read a book! I like to watch TV sometimes, i like old re runs and nick at night..lol i like but hardly ever catch the 4400 and Smallville..The Bible says, " I will set my eyes on no vile thing, and also Keep your mind from being polluted from the world..James 1:27...so its hard to find anythings that actually glorifies the Lord on television these days...id rather read, i figure when i have spare time enough to just sit around my time is much better served reading the Bible and learning about my SAVIOR!
Myspace Layouts
Christian MySpace Graphics
Christian MySpace GraphicsThe Bible, The ragamuffin Gospel, Abbas Child, Ruthless trust all by Brennan Manning, Harvest, Living Water, Calvary Chapel Distinctives, The Gospel according to Grace, Why grace changes everything, The search for Messiah all written by Pastor Chuck Smith, Fresh Wind Fresh fire, When Gods people pray, Pastor Jim Cymbala, The case for Christ, The case for creation, the case for faith, lee strobel, More than a carpenter, Josh Mcdowell, Wild at heart, J. Aldrich....Systematic Theology an introduction to biblical doctrine by wayne Grudem, The church inside out, Practicing the presence of God.
Christian MySpace GraphicsWhat good is it for a person to gain the whole world but forfeit there soul? Ask yourself this and answer this question truthfully, where is your heart? who does it belong to?Jesus wants our hearts to belong to him first and above all. What good are your things, your stuff, your collection, your car or house what good are these your treasures?Jesus said where your treasure is there your heart will be also...He meant and i think its pretty clear, Who or what does your heart belong to. What controls you? what owns you? what cant you live without?What good is it for a person to gain the whole world, but foreit there soul?One day all of the things you have ever owned, all of the people, the things, the jobs, the cars, the houses the whatever, one day they will all be gone, and you will stand before Jesus and he will say..What good was it? Who or what is your treasure?Jesus wants you to have good things, He loves you, but he wants you to have him first, to be controled and owned by him...What good is it to gain the whole world, but forfeit your soul?