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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a graduate student at Northwestern University who cherishes the relationships he has and will cultivate in his life. I love meeting new people and being challenged to undertake new experiences. I believe music is for the soul and can't be replaced while also feel that it must say something. Music must come from somewhere; the heart, political frustrations, life, god, you name it. It must make you feel! In the end, I believe in growth, both personal and professional, and happiness. Together lets cherish each other, guide our lives and change our world.Peace Love

My Interests

I like to think and be analytical, and be curious, and ask questions. Here is the quintessential list: sports, books, concerts, being outdoors either in mountains (back home in the CO) or at the lake (in IL), discovering new tastes, meeting new people, and learning about those I already know. I also like to support ongoing movements that seek social change to many forms of injustice such as those causing climate change, impoverty and genocide. One such example is seen below.

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet others who enrich lives not ridicule them. I believe that I enrich the lives of those around me and look for others to do so for myself. I wouldn't mind picking the minds of the Chetro and the rest of State Radio. They are incredible, if you want to check them out or buy their songs, check out below.


State Radio, Xavier Rudd, Dispatch, Braddigan, Josh Joplin, Ingram Hill, the Clarks, Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers, Grace Like Gravity, Moe, CCR, Journey, Pat McGee Band, Gabe Dixon Band, Aztek Trip, TQ, Cat Stevens, Red Wanting Blue, Pete Yorn, Jackopierce, Bottle of Justus, AFI, Unwritten Law, Alakline Trio, Wolf Parade, Fall Out Boy, Arlo Guthrie, Donovan Frankenreiter, O.A.R., Bela Fleck and the Flecktones, Les Claypool, Stockholm Syndrome, Jason Mraz, Jazz, the Blues, some country, a little bit of everything!


Donnie Darko, Tigerland, Crash, Motorcycle Diaries, Broken Flowers, Apocalypse and the Beauty Queen, What the &$%..@!, Nuovo Cinema Paradiso, .... oh yeah and I don't understand why Rushmore is supposed to be so good, could someone explain it to me, thanks.


I am definitely a fan of a lot of shows on fox and watch entirely too much of them, but when nothing is on. The Discovery and History channels are definitely the sweetest! Man vs. Nature or Animal Planet in HD are rather mind blowing.


Inspirational, inquisitive, internal, classical or philosophical reading material. The Bible, quote books, poetry, sometimes the morning paper.... On the Origin of Species, Red Sky at Morning, Silent Spring, and right now, Che Guevara : A Revolutionary Life.


JFK, MLK, my dad. Chetro, Braddigan, State Radio, all those on the RELIEF PROJECT.org's website, and everyone else who is fighting for the earth and those less fortunate.*****************************

My Blog

8 peope actually read my blog!

Hmmm, 8 people huh?  Of those 8, who is actually coming to Chicago?  Just a little wondering going on, that's all.  So what's up with me?  Well, for a lot of you, I will be in your...
Posted by Les on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 11:30:00 PST

Initial Thoughts

Yeah, never done this before and won't do it again until I actually see that someone reads this fit because when you really think about it, not a whole lot goes on that everyone wants to hear about.&n...
Posted by Les on Fri, 27 Jan 2006 03:31:00 PST