I'm a gay in the city. I tend to be a homebody, but I'm generally likable when I exit the house and actually go out. I live with my gay boyfriend Ed. It is the first time I have ever lived with a gay before, every once and a while he smells and other times he rubs my belly and makes dinner. Its good but sometimes I feel like my head is imploding into my face as a way for me to stress myself out because nothing is going wrong.I thrive at home, I like watching reality tv like ANTM and Project Runway. I also spend way too much time online with mp3 blogs and music review sites.I like goofy people and prefer snobbish people who include me in their elite lists of awesome people.I like independent film, the only thing in the way of my film obsession is my short attention span. Im a movie turner offer. Im over it.I like to paint in the park, I read books in my spare time, Im excited about the new tv season, I eat snap peas, Ritter, chug ginger ale (totally gross), savor sushi fridays and am constantly agitated and anxious. I never listen to my voice mails or answer my emails but always want everyone to get in touch with me.MUAHvomite face touche.