graphic design. typography. journalism. news design. web design. flipflops. eyeshadow. kittens. macs. knitting. glasses. moisturizer. legwarmers. stripes. cheesecake. road trips. mix cds. reading in bed. crackers and jelly. writing. polka dots. turquoise and apple green.
happy earth day! hug a tree and stop using plastic bags.
i like any song with handclaps, whoo-hoos, or na-na-nas.
the shawshank redemption. star wars (ranked 5,4,6,3,2,1). happenstance. amelie. the dreamlife of angels. pulp fiction. kill bill 2 (and i guess 1). fight club. talk to her. but i'm a cheerleader. little miss sunshine. the breakfast club. bridget jones. pan's labyrinth. chasing amy. the princess bride. high fidelity. napoleon dynamite. garden state. eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. all of the harry potters.
arrested development. mr. show with bob & david. big love. paula deen. the office. six feet under. the sopranos. sex & the city. the simpsons. iron chef. good eats. unwrapped. gilmore girls. the wire. dexter. degrassi. lost.
pretty much anything by chuck palahniuk, alex garland, david sedaris, wally lamb, bret easton ellis, david foster wallace, augusten burroughs, jonathan safran foer, gabriel garcia marquez, isabel allende, george orwell, nick hornby, dave eggers, jeffrey eugenides, dave eggers, chuck klosterman or dorothy parker. i am also a huge harry potter nerd. like ridiculously.
batman and gloria steinem. and people who use three-dollar words in casual conversation. illuminating!
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