C.JaCoBs pOOLe:-)*** profile picture

C.JaCoBs pOOLe:-)***

It's DEEP this fucking Sunday Night****Stop Stalking me!!!You know who you are!!!

About Me

God and House Music and People First....I'm a very simple person just very different from all others..My bolives are very simple, that the best things in life are FREE thats first, AND That we make a living by what we get,But we make life by what we give...Be nice and kind to others after all kindness cost not much but yet it makes a whole lot of difference to the person your kind to.. And that Good thoughts are no better than good dream's,unless they are executed... This is just a little of who I'm....Peace and much love to every one!!!!Filter,Disco,Launch,Vocal,Ritual,Deep,Dirty,Jazzy,Chi cago,Afro,Soul,Hard,Electra,Clashi,and anything affiliated with "HOUSE MUSIC" we fuck with***
Se7en Deadly Sins
Lust: Obsessive and Excessive Sexual Desires and Perversions
lust's passion will be served...
What do you lust after most?: Finishing a House Mixing Set...
Do people lust after you?: Don't Care if they do...
Can you control your urges?: Not Mixing or Remixing but Fucking or Making Love, yaaa thats an easy one...
What turns you on the most?: Good Music and a good kisser!!!!
Are people disgusted or scared of what turns you on?: Actually by both, but more scare i would have to say....
Whats the sexiest part of a partner's body?: Depending on what I'm into that night...Anything becomes Sexy if a girl knows how to put it out there...
Have you had sex with someone who you weren't in love with?: Can we blame it on Alcohol???
Were you underage when you first had sex?: Way under age buddy!!!!!!!!Seriously yes!!!!
Whats the biggest age gap been with a person you've slept with?: Twice my age and add a plus to that....
Have you had sex more than 3 times in one day?: Do wet dreams count for this question??? Cause if so, then count me in as a YES buddy...
Have you had sex with more than one person in the same week?: Let’s re-phrase if wet dreams count then hell Yaaaa!!!!
Have you ever cheated on someone?: Don't understand the question....
Has anyone ever cheated on you?: Fuck Yes!!!! Guys Play, but Chicks Cheat!!!!
Do you enjoy sex?: Not as much as Mixing and Remixing and fucking with girl's emotions...HAHA JK....
Do people enjoy having sex with you?: I personally don’t give a F%#& if they do, I’m in it for my satisfaction if that wouldn’t be the case then I would be Mixing..
Do you enjoy kissing?: Yes....But only when the other person knows how to Kiss too...
Are you a good kisser?: Depend's who you ask........
Have you ever had a sexual ecounter with a member of the same sex?: Not yet***
Do you lust after people of both sexes?: Not Really***
What qualities in a person do you lust after?: Brains and PERSONALITY!!!!!!!
What looks do you lust after?: Good Thick Lips and a THICK body to go with it***
What people do you lust after?: The one's that think there hard to get...
Are you in love with anyone and do they love you?: WOW BUDDY!!!!!That's a fucking personal question...
When and who was the last person to tell you they loved you?: I just finish watching Barney and at the end they sing that song that "I love you, you love me BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA" So i guess it was Barney...
The lustful are burnt in fire and brimstone, can you stand the flames?: Yes....
Greed: Selfish Desire of Excess, Denying Those In Need
the love of money is the root of all evil...
Do you crave wealth?: Only for those who needed, but not for me. I only crave Knowledge and Wisdom and Care for Others…
Or are you already wealthy?: Money wise NO!!!!But Healthy and Love and Music wise YES...
Do you spend money on only yourself?: I don't have no Money, But if I did I would spend it on others...
Are you selfish with your money?: Once again I'm poor Money wise, But if I have it, I share it...
Have you ever spent an extortionate amount of money on yourself?: Dam!!!! I'm freaking broke dude!!!!!
Whats your most valuable possession?: My Soul and My Mixes and Remixes of HouseElectroClashDiscoFilterAmibientRitualDeepFilterVocalHou seMusic....
Would you lie for money?: Not Lie, but cheat and steal for it...
Would you sell your body for money?: Yes I would...And at a good price..LOL...
Would you sell your soul for money?: Never!!!!!!!!!! Not my Soul but rather my dignity "HAHA LOL" JK...
Would you marry for money?: Yes I would, I would freaking marry any one out there just so I can stay home and Mix And Remix all day and all night...
Would you kill for money?: Never!!!!Come on now???There limits for everything...
Do you crave power?: Not really.....
Do you crave fame?: Yes I do.....
The truth: Love or Money?: Music over both..Then Health and then peace and then LOVE, but never MONEY!!!!
Do you fear poverty?: NEVER!!!! Because I'm RICH with in ME!!!!
Do you care about those in poverty?: Yes!!!! And we all fucking should!!!!
Do you think you deserve fortune more than others?: I want to say NO, But if I say that then that's Communist thinking and I'm not for that...
Do you give money to those less fortunate than yourself?: If I have it I do....
Are you greedy?: I hope not!!!!Only when it come to Vinyl and to Miss Pinedo!!!!
Those who suffer greed are boiled alive in rich oil, will you be burnt?: No..............
Gluttony: The Over-indulgence in Food, Liquor and other Intoxicants
gluttony is an emotional escape, a sign something is eating us...
Do you eat more than you should?: Yes I do.......
Do you think about eating more than you should?: I don't think about it, I just do it...
Do you eat 3 meals or more a day?: Sometimes on a very a good and wealthy pocket money day...
Are you overweight?: HAHAHAHAHA "FUCK NO"........
Are your eyes bigger than your stomach?: Ahhhhhh???? I hope not...
Do you eat for emotional pleasure?: HAHAHAHAHAHA Yaaaaa Buddy!!!! "NO"
What do you indulge in?: Chocolate Chip Cookie's.......And good kissing Lips...
Whats your favourite food?: Depending on my mood....Sea food I would say, I think...
Whats your favourite drink?: Scooby Snack's....And Goose with OJ and Pine...
Do you drink too much alcohol?: Some days.......
How much alcohol do you drink?: Don't keep track of it.....
Do you over-do it when you drink?: Yes.....
Do you take intoxicants?: What are those??? HAHA.....
Have you ever been addicted to anything?: HOUSE MUSIC!!!!!HOUSE MUSIC!!!!HOUSE MUSIC!!! And a GREAT FUCKING KISSER!!!!!
Do you know when enough is enough?: Yes!!!!!!!
Do you crave chocolate?: Only on Cookie's........
When you see something you want will you get it?: If it's worth my wild, Yaaaa!!!!
Are you demanding?: Very....
Would you give up a meal to feed someone starving?: Let's just say that any one that answers NO to this, Doesn't have a heart and should die starving to death slowly!!!!
Do you prefer food over other forms of satisfaction?: NO NO NO!!!!!!!!HOUSE MUSIC over food..any time...
Do you eat more for pleasure or hunger?: wow!!!!crazy question....Both...
What would your last meal consist of?: I don't know........
Those who are gluttinous are force-fed snakes and rats, can you stomach it?: Sorry...Don't understand this question...
Wrath: Uncontrollable Hatred and Perversions of Revenge and Spite
and the fire shall devour them...
How often are you angry?: Very often!!!! "NOT" Getting angry, is what I call a waste of time!!!
Are you hateful?: Only to mean and Selfish people...
Do you hate for no reason?: Never...Only those Dj's that are better then me "HAHA JK"...
Is your anger intense?: Only to mean people and Selfish people...
Do you believe in revenge?: I DO IT!!!!!!!!And I'm good at that shit***
What would you take revenge for?: People not helping others and people being mean to others...
Are you scared of pain?: Yes!!!!!!!
Would you cause pain to others?: Only if they are mean to others and selfish...
Would you die for another?: Don't know!!!!! If the person is going to help others, then yes I would...
Are you compassionate?: Don't know.......
Do you feel Love or Hate more?: LOVE.........Thanxxx to Miss Pinedo.......
Do you want to hurt someone either emotionally or physically?: Not Really.......
Do you condone racism or sexism, or are you yourself one of the two?: I condone neither...
What makes you angry?: Mean people and Selfish people...
Do you argue with loved ones?: Not really...
Do you raise your voice often?: YES!!! Everyday to "PRAY"....
Are you generally content with the people around you?: yEs I'm......
Do you take pleasure in others pain?: Never.......
Would you go out of your way to cause someone harm?: Only if they are refusing to help another person in need...
Do you lose your control easily or can you be patient?: I'm very Patient...
If someone does something to anger you will you let them know?: Not always!!!!!
Are you calm or erratic?: Chill and Relax...
Those who are wrathful will suffer bodily dismemberment, can you walk away?: Yes I can.....
Sloth: Extreme Apathy and Laziness, Wasting Life Away
for satan finds some mischief still for idle hands to do...
Are you very inactive?: I'm Active...
Do you exercise regularly?: On the Deck's and at the clubs is where i do my exercise...
Do you get tired easily?: Depending if I'm digging the girl or not...
Have you fallen asleep in class?: Yes.........
Do you lie-in in bed?: No...
Did someone have to wake you up today?: No.......
Are you incapable of feeling strong emotion?: No.....
Are you indifferent to anything?: Yes.....I'm Unique....and Original.......
Do you enjoy relaxing?: Fuck Relaxing...I'm active....
How often do you do absolutely nothing?: Never!!!!That's for lazy fuck's!!!! I'm always on the grind and on Demand, never have time to chill or Relax....
Whats your favourite way to spend a 'lazy day'?: I'm the Opposite of "LAZY"..Plus I don't like people who are LAZY!!!!!What a waste of life for those who are LAZY!!!!
Is there something that you want to do but you arent motivated enough?: Doing 5 girls at the same time!!!!! HAHAHAHA Just Fucking with You!!!!!If I'm not Motivated I'm in Courage to do it...So my answer is NO!!!!
How much motivation do you have?: Plenty!!!!!My job requires it all day and specialy all Night!!!!
Do you walk anywhere on a daily basis?: Yes, from the parking structure to my office, other then that I always try to get to a place a different way...Change is good...
Have you been meaning to get in contact with someone but havent?: No...
Are you good at keeping in contact with people?: Yes...But only Girls and People who do Remixes and Mixes....
Do you answer your phone?: No....Never answer or check my voice mail...Answer only to Text's Mssg's...
How many hours of tv do you watch a day?: 2hours...30minutes on Music Video and the rest on World News......
Those who suffer sloth are thrown into the snake pit, will you get bitten?: No....
Envy: Jealousy and Desire for Another's Possessions or Qualities
do not be envious of evil men, nor desire to be with them...
Are you a jealous person?: Only to those I LOVE!!!!
Do you make partners jealous?: "HAHA" You would have to ask them..But yaaa i think...
How do you react to their jealousy?: I take the easy way out and leave the person...And jump to another Scenario right away...
Whats one thing you wish you had of one of your friend's?: Nothing...
Whats one thing you wish you could do better?: Better human in general...
Do you disregard others talent if you feel you lack talent yourself?: Never.......
What are you jealous of?: Nothing.......
Are you jealous of many people?: Never....That's wrong to jealous on some one or anyone...
Has anyone been jealous of you?: Yaaaa.....But that just means that i'm doing something right, Right???
What trait do you see in others which you most want in yourself?: To Practicing more KINDNESS.....
Are you content with your life?: Yes I'm........
Are you more envious of wealth, talent, popularity or looks?: All execpt WEALTH!!!!!Never envy Money...
What celebrity's looks would you like for your own?: That fucking Super International SUPER STAR "C.pOOlE"....and Jonathan Rhys Meyers...
Have you ever truly loved someone?: That's a secret......
The eyes of the envious will be sewn together, will you be able to see?: YES I WILL...Because I see in and with in me and Visualize as to having Sight and not having a Vision...
Pride: To Think Of Oneself as More Than Another
no one ever choked to death swallowing his pride...
What are you most proud of?: Tener Salud i pAZ I Estar bien con Dios...
Can you say sorry?: Siempre lo digo....Aun-K no tenga la culpa yo...
Do you thrive off compliments?: Si...
Do you want to be anyone other than yourself?: No...Because been your self is unique and that's all you got " individuality...
Are you happy with the way you are?: Yes....
Do you think you're attractive or intelligent?: Don't care...I'm happy who I'm and that's what matters...
Are you full of yourself?: Yes....HaHa LOL.....
Do you love yourself?: Yes cause if I didn't then who would???
Would you date someone who wasn't aesthetically pleasing?: Yes..Alongest she is a good dam kisser or has a thick body...
Honestly: Do looks matter?: No...But Body and Lips do.....
Do you have to be the best?: No....
Do you look in the mirror a lot?: No.......Because nothing is going to change no matter how manny times i look at my self...
Whats one of your best qualities?: Mixing and Remixing and Kissing...
Whats one of your worst qualities?: Getting no sleep and talking to much ish***
Those who are full of Pride will be broken on the wheel, can you get up?: I have no pride or eagle!!!! So i worry of no Wheel, cause I will just walk there....
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David Guetta n Joachim Garraud

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Louie Vega @ Deep L.A-Nov5th

Add to My Profile | More VideosHouse music all night long.. Heather @ Balance L.A Jan20.

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Casino,Blow,Scarface,GoodFellas,BoogieNights,TheDoors,Troy "I love the sceen where Brad call's out Hector","Gladiator" ATaleFromTheBronx,and Schindler'sList, Just to name a few.Little Louie Vega@CavoParadiso
Add to My Profile | More VideosLouie Vega @cavo paradiso, mykonos greece
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Defected In The House Opening - Pacha Ibiza 2007


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GOD,MyParents,LIttleLouieVega,SteveLoria,DocMartin,R.A.W, MarquestWyatt,ToddTerry,BadBoyBill,RichardHumppyVission, And every person who has put a smile in my life R my hero's "I thank you for that, cause life is to make and be happy" And for some one to make another person happy, that for me becomes my HERO:)Where I'm at every Sunday "DEEP-LA"
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