anything that dosent kill me......or at least if it does it actualy makes me more a cat or that power drink (five alive....or is that fake orange juice?)
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....................jesus?(child like voice with a "i just craped my pants" look on my face.) nobody who is living on this earth right now comes to mind. I guess i am content in knowing the people that I do and just hope that I will meet who I am supposed to. Sounds realy super spiritual huh......and it is.
most of this stuff you've never heard of and some you may have. (Rob Mathes) (Sara Groves) (Rufus Wainwright) (Adam Cates) (Duncan Sheik) (Leona Naess) (Peter Gabriel) (Kevin Prosch) (Jason Upton) (Amber Mentze) (Postal Service) (Frou Frou) (Imogen Heap) (Isa Couvertier) (Hampton & Hanley) (Daft Punk) (Corey Russell) (Mute Math) (Feist) (Fire Theft) (New Radicals) (katell Keineg) (Don Potter) (The Police) (Misty Edwards) (Dirty Vegas) (Coldplay) (Jacob Hanley) (Clay Edwards) (Guillemots) (Elbow) (Brand On)
(Stranger Than Ficton) (Return To Me) (Met Joe Black) (Four Fethers) (Crash) (Phantome Of The Opera) (Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind) (Cinderella Man) (The Princess And The Warior) (Hero) (House of Flying Dagars) (Family Man) (Kill Bill) (Kill Bill II) (Man On Fire) (Thirteen Conversations About One Thing) (Elizibeth Town) (Elvis Movies) (Ray) (Harrison's Flowers) (Nacho Libra) ........oh yeah and my ..1 all time favorite movie is "my childhood favorite" (Neverending Story) (Neverending Story) and .....ummmm..........oh yeah, (Neverending Story) ....Stay tuned for more movies that Brandon likes.....
Lost........oh yeah and maybe some UFC.....when im feeling like a real man
books? who reads books?........Sorry im a.d.d. what do you want for nothin
heroes is a big statment to me........almost an immeasurable word for any man to live up to.........the only one i can think of is Jesus.....yeah thats pretty much a reserved title for him. How about admired figures.....hmmmm. Ill get back to this one