im a clumsy disorganised mess who has been unleashed upon all the unsuspecting ill people of Bristol! im learning to be a doctor, and the day i make it will strike fear in2 the hearts of all unwell people in the land!! but seriously im a laid back fun loving kinda person, whos loves music, gigs, festivals, partying, drinking and smoking. (bad i know as im a med. student!!) just give me a fag, a lovely glass of wine, my best friend for a chat, lots of lovely sunshine (shunshine makes me grow!) some good music in the background, aaaaa bliss.
................Im also a twin, my twin kat is 7mins younger than me, and she is the most wonderful humanbeing in the world!! id die without her!! i'd also be lost without my brother who is the most perceptive, sensitive caring person iv ever met, who is also sososososo funny! he has me i stiches! love them both so much! can u tell? :P
................How would i describe myself? such a difficult thing to do! here goes;
best points- i guess i like to think im a caring person, who can empathise easily with all sorts of people, and i dont judge. I like to look at the good things in people, and will only hold grudges if people continually intentionally hurt me or some one i care about. i havent got time for manipulative selfish attention seeking people who play games with people for their own gain. i pitty these lost people, there are so many more important things in life to spend your efforts on.
Bad stuff- im pretty shy. i find lots of new people i dont know hard to deal with, so i may apear moody, but in fact im dying of shyness! i also have quite a bit of pride. i admit im proud of my accademic achievements. i guess i have to be a bit like this to be a doctor, u have to be confident, altho it doesnt come easy at all!!!
............................................................ do i see the world? its odd, life is hard and difficult, but at the same time, theres lots of beauty to be found. Hard evil things are thrown at us, and we have no control over this. but we do have choises. U can either lie down and give up (which is a very tempting thing!) or u can struggle through and learn from them, that way becoming a better person. For all the numerous shite things that have happend to me over the last few years i know that i have grown, and are going to be a better doctor and freind for them. I dont believe in a god or any religion, but i believe in the goodness and beauty of people. Its such a cliche, but what u give out, you get back. If u have time for, and look after people, they will look after you. I feel that (most!) people have goodness in them, and if they behave in a horrible way, then its because they have gone astray coz of shit things that has happened to them. Its a big fat sad vicious circle. anyway i'll stop rambling.
.................altho in bristol uni now, im originally a swansea girl! swansea is the best place ever (really!)and iv learnt that all the best boys in the world are from swansea, including the very best of them all, my boyfriend paul who is very silly and asks too many questions!
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
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