Ceej Hardc0re profile picture

Ceej Hardc0re


About Me

My name is CJ.
Okay, we all know thats not my real name, but Spiderman never played by the rules either. But it IS my name. This is getting complicated. I like fun stuff. (There; that's easier for you guys to swallow.)
I traded my soul for pixie stix and bottle rockets. Im a professional 10-pin bowler who doesnt play by anybodys rules but my own. I have an atomic-kitten-ray gun, but it is top secret, so don't you dare tell anyone or I will beat you with a pool cue. I've been described as abstract and just plain weird. Admit it, you know you love it.
Piercings!!! Love 'em. Cant get enough of 'em. I enjoy music. It may happen that I might find myself snapping my fingers, possibly even swaying (heaven forbid!). Throw something good I'll be that one pushing people around... or at least trying to... sometimes I may even dance. Its true; i like dancing!I also seem to be a firm believer in thinking of the heavy kind. So lets see here.. I appreciate beautiful things. But there is nothing more sick yet breathtaking, when something beautiful is being ironically destroyed. Its tragic. Its amazing. I love it.
Partying is fun. But sometimes doing nothing inside a handicap bus and just smoking the motta with a few friends... well that can be fun, too. I can party just as hard as anyone, and sometimes I will even go out of my way to party ever so harder. Drink when I can, smoke when I cant. You know, anything and everything. Rad.

My Interests

Bacon fat, punk music, hardcore, moshpits, giving sandwiches to hookers, hooters wings, lots of bands that i dont feel like naming just to make me cool, doing stuff until the cows come home, bowling,
i care for barrels of monkeys.. especially named Rick Uncle Monkey.
Free refills, bad poetry, juice boxes, and getting naked are how I get my kicks. Hackyack and nonstop pop is a must.
Pancakes, badgers, and every other term used to actually mean something else

I'd like to meet:

your mother. (Dont even get me started.) ohh im so original...
I think it would be HI-larious to be drunk and meet a drunk version of myself. You think that I'm too much to handle, as is? Just you WAIT until there are two of me being too rowdy and causing all the mischief that comes our way. Le sigh.

Rad Rad Rad Rad Rad
Be cool. Conform. Fold to peer pressure and leave a comment.:


I listen to bands like Minority Justice League, you fools. So go shoot some heroin and check out their shows. Anything with pirates and eyepatches it a sure sign its gonna make your heart stop because the doublekick is so fast.
also, bands like Raised Fist, Death by Stereo, Bigwig... lots of hardcore and fast. Then I like the stuffs like Distillers, Metric, Incubus, System of a fucking Down. Thrice, Comeback Kid, SNFU, Dropkick Murphys, Wednesday Night Heroes, Strike Anywhere, Rise Against, Flat-liners, Anti-Flag, Bad Religion, Misfits, Pink Floyd, Ramones, Jack Johnson, Protest the Hero, Suicide Machines, Transplants, Rancid, ... to be perfectly honest, i cant remember all of them... because lets face it, there are 350983 bands out there, and 873 of them appeal to my ears. i'll keep adding on.


Donnie Darko, Lilo and Stitch, Thirteen, Requiem for a Dream Anything trippy and dramatic. Seriously, do not even try to make me watch a scary movie. Because it ain't happening.


Fear is control. Smash your TV.

Quallity programming consists of Full House, and that show where they drive Taxi's around and find themselves in clever and hilarious situations, with two cops, a black and a white one. One's a hardass and they other is the slacking wise-cracking comic relief of the duo. Together they travel all over the world, play games where it consists of them spinning and wheel then choosing a letter of the alphabet, or to be stuck on an island with 12 other castaway for 33 days straight.

have you killed yourself yet?


Books exist. I read a few. BUT, what I would rather write here, is exciting quotes, and stupid shit and YOU probably dont care about. So take this, and eat it. Expand your mind with these brain-melting quotes.

CJ: "What I heard was, 'I have AIDS'."
Dean: "Ewwww... go sit over there."
Marty: "I have an open sore on my back, want to lick it? Better yet, do you have a paper cut on your tounge? Or you could just go down on me..."

"What the fuck?!? Want to fight? C'mon lets go! ... now wait, your cool. I like your shirt."

MJL: "United, we stand divided. But together, we all fall down."


The only way to sum this extremely complicated and drug-induced hallucination up in one word, would be to say... thatShiftyEyedDogDowntheStreet

My Blog

Ode to crazy people

You, ma'am, are nuts.Dont get me wrong, because I am too.Stand on your self-made pedestalFeed yourself self-made complimentsIts just a big joke inside your mindYou giggle and laugh us all awayThanks f...
Posted by Ceej Hardc0re on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 05:38:00 PST

crack it drop it zip unzip it

Its this certain person i know super personally has already formed this super strong opinion of me. Everytime I say I feel a certain way, they question me "do you" or just flat out say that "no you do...
Posted by Ceej Hardc0re on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 10:39:00 PST

Insane in the effin' membrane

I like my new orange pants. =)I just came out of the crisis unit again. That place is a good safe stay when I am feeling im in an unsafe state of mind. Back on my meds again. Feck ya.Im proud of me. I...
Posted by Ceej Hardc0re on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 09:08:00 PST

Oh my god, Becky look at her butt..

In my boredom I do these things. I like things. Here it is.. 1. Who were you with last night?The wife (tara), mimi, steph, angel, andrea... and our dear dear friend Unsoberness. 2. What woke you up t...
Posted by Ceej Hardc0re on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 10:41:00 PST

I concurred..

Here is the display of your blog posting. Click the button below to confirm and post. ..> I concurred.. Ever get to a stage where everything makes so much sense at ...
Posted by Ceej Hardc0re on Tue, 29 May 2007 08:18:00 PST

i'll invalid your mom..

So life has been hectic. There's always something new going on. I am moving this week. I have fallen for a certain girl, altho sometimes I guess I dont really act like it. Whats this?? Feelings?? Ninj...
Posted by Ceej Hardc0re on Wed, 23 May 2007 07:38:00 PST


Its come to a point where I either want to face everything head on, or run away and cower away for a little while, screaming "fuck the world and fuck you too!!!"Apparently I am not allowed to do that....
Posted by Ceej Hardc0re on Fri, 11 May 2007 09:06:00 PST

the ad is int eh way of the subject line

You ever know those people (oh you all know those people), the ones that whenever they come over.. they ask to check their email on your computer. Or check up on their myspace. Y'know... "them". Its s...
Posted by Ceej Hardc0re on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 11:49:00 PST

Dripping with sex appeal

Rama a lama ding dong. Elect me for prime minister...! Do it. I will be the best leader ever. I can only promise lots of ponies for everyone (no taxes!). And obviously I am the best thing since Hollyw...
Posted by Ceej Hardc0re on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 03:41:00 PST

Rant 'o nothing

What the hell does it take to gain a little self-insight? Everything. Fucking everything. Honestly, how well do you really know yourself until you actually step up and push it just a little bit forwar...
Posted by Ceej Hardc0re on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 01:03:00 PST