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About Me

i wanna redo this part but dont feel like it just basically, about me = always under reconstruction

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My Interests

anything can become intresting..... " only boring people get bored " - kristie strieker

I'd like to meet:

people who are anatomical, brave, cool, dependable, elegant, funny, giggly, hot, intresting, jokesters, kind, loveable, menopausal, narly, outspoken, pretty, quiet, revealing, sexual, tall, universal, vixon, womenly, x-rated, young, zealous


ani difranco, fiona apple, yeah yeah yeahs, sigur ros, racheal yamagata, justin tranter, goldfrapp, homevideo, the postal service, sia, ravel, peaches, modest mouse, missy elliot, janet jackson, wham, bjork, imogen heap, frou frou, elisa, death cab for cutie, rufus wainwright, m.i.a., cat stevens, caedmons call, charlotte martin, gwen stefani, gavin degraw, scissor sisters, tuck and patti, the white stripes, spoon, ray lamontange, radiohead, brit daniel, devotchka, the paper chase, pre-coke whitney houston, snow patrol...................................................... ..


dirty dancing, the house of yes, pretty woman, moulin rouge, the italian job, strictly ballroom, waiting for guffman, kill bill 1 and 2, lord of the rings, finding nemo, the big fish, the hole, hairspray, a dirty shame, drop dead gorgeous, best in show, chicago, bad girls, party girl, crazy / beautiful, the securtary, little miss sunshine and stranger than fiction are brilliant!!!................................................ .........................


six feet under, the l word, dead like me, nip / tuck, sex and the city, the closer, law and order, project runway, older will and grace and friends (they were just funnier), the oc, desperate housewives, jem and the holograms, fragile rock, rainbow brite, myth busters...but i dont even have tv channels right now so these are in the past tense


harry potters, tommys tale, the kite runner, the berlin stories, the historian, wicked...these are just the ones i've read recently


i know its typical to say your parents. but the more i grow up and look back and learn more about her, my mom was an amazing woman

My Blog

its been a long time.....

since i left you left you, a blog to read.  so this blog is slightly pointless just thoughts wizzing by on a pms day.  which i seem to be having once a week now.  that seems odd!! ...
Posted by joshua on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 09:05:00 PST


well well well. here we are. back in the united states. i just wanted to summorize a little bit about my trip one last time for everyone. i didnt end up going to nichome. i tried but could not get...
Posted by joshua on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 06:23:00 PST

japanese and italian

so its been awhile since my last little update. i was going crazy after those for classes. had to have a little somkey and large coffee. weird i know but for some reason thats all my body wanted. ...
Posted by joshua on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 04:17:00 PST


taught four beginner classes.........exhausted.......hate life..........going shopping
Posted by joshua on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 01:56:00 PST

oooooooo saka it to me

well here we are. another blog. im not sure what to write in this one. i've been crazy traveling here lately. in osaka now. i only have three more days of teaching then my free days!!!!! i saw m...
Posted by joshua on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 06:02:00 PST

blood type ?

your blood type is really popular to talk about over here.  its the astrological signs of american.  but i have no freaking idea what mine are.  i was on the shinasken (booet (bullet) t...
Posted by joshua on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 05:00:00 PST

life is pandamonium

oh what i wold give to hear someone sing that!!! so my second blog. it has to be a quick one. here are the reasons why i love japan.... ichi) you can hear the whole TLC greatest hits on the radio.....
Posted by joshua on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 10:27:00 PST


hey everyone.  so this is my first blog ever.  so it may be a little rough.  its my second full day in japan.  its going pretty well though i had some problems at customs when i fi...
Posted by joshua on Sun, 04 Jun 2006 06:06:00 PST