About Me
im alex into peace punk/ crust / d-beat / grindcore dirtysmelly anarchist anti war / animal rights like to get pissed and generally b a menace to society i dont eat meat im quite loud i play in a band called the throbax i got a great girlfriend leigh love her lots shes basicly the girl virsion of me which is kool and she can put up with my sell which is also a bonus shes 1 in a million and i wouldnt change her for the world i like travaling going to shows and getting pissed with me mates i get along with anyone if they get along with me i have strong views and allways stand up for them my friends meen the world to me theve allways been there when i needed them so thanx" ..
me and lauryn arm wrestleing
The appalling way in which animals are treated in the short lives that they have before and during slaughter is the reason many people, including myself, turn vegetarian.
It is known that in fact most children dislike meat, but are forced or persuaded to eat it. They are made to feel guilty about leaving food - think about the starving Africans - so the child chokes down the chewy flesh, thinking of dying Africans and grows to accept eating meat as a part of everyday life, in much the same way as they're taught to accept dying Africans as normal. It is not necessary to eat meat, nor that there should be starving people in the world, the two things are in fact directly related.
For instance in the USA a huge proportion of farming land is used for grazing livestock, the remaining land is largely used to grow cereals, 85% of which are fed to livestock. 16 pounds of cereal fed to livestock produces only 1 pound of protein! The conclusions are obvious - meat production is an uneconomical and disgustingly wasteful process. If the land was used wisely and humanely there would be no need for starvation to exist. The wastage from the USA alone would supply 90% of the yearly protein deficit of the entire world and all suffering could end.
Despite masses of scientific evidence that says a vegetarian diet is more than adequate for a healthy life, old wives tales about the necessity of meat-eating still exist. Even the National Livestock and Meat Board admits that vegetarians get adequate nutrition. Most meat-eaters argue that meat is a perfect protein food, this is rubbish, many other foods such as Soya supply more easily digested and richer forms of protein than meat. In any case, protein isnt everything. A person can live healthily on a vegetarian diet eating nothing but vegetables and grain, someone eating nothing but meat would soon become very ill.
Anyone who eats meat is accepting and supports mans right to slaughter over 900 million animals every year in the UK, and over 15 billion animals in the USA. If those who ate meat ever visited a slaughterhouse, or if they had to kill for themsleves the animals that they eat, there would be more vegetarians. Nice worlds like sirloin, cutlet, steak, pork and beef are used to cover up the reality of the situation. The slaughterhouse is a horror show, an insult to civilised thinking, a madhouse of blood and guts, a stinking wash of mangled flesh, a bedlam of screams and terror. The desperate animals DO know that they are being led to their death, the blood flows in rivers hot and steaming across the floor, the dying animals kick and twitch, the stench of fear is awful.
Meanwhile, in the supermarket, mother selects a neatly packed piece of meat, no blood on her hands. At supper that evening, the family stuff the limbs and innards of murdered animals into their mouths. Mmm delicious.
Next time you bite into a lump of meat, whatever disguise it comes in, ask yourself if you really need it, ask yourself if you really agree with the terrible suffering and pain and cruelty that put that flesh on your plate.
Animal Cruelty
Animals have as much right to life as human beings.
UK Government statistics reveal that every year over 2.5 million animals suffer and die in British laboratories in experiments "likely to cause pain, suffering, distress and lasting harm". An additional 8 million are bred and then destroyed as surplus to requirements. Dogs, cats, monkeys, horses, cows, pigs, mice, rabbits and rats are used. To deliberately exploit, torture and murder another living creature, be they human or nonhuman, is an evil abuse of power.
Scientifically speaking, experimentation on animals is a fundamentally flawed approach to learning about human biology and disease. Differences between the complex biological systems of different species of animals mean that data gained from experiments on nonhumans are unreliable and dangerous. For example, in the 1960's and 1970's, the drug Thalidomide passed safety tests done on animals. It was made to stop morning sickness. However, when used on humans, the effects were catostrophic and as many as 10,000 babies were affected. In many cases, babies affected by thalidomide did not survive. Those who did often had shortened limbs, deafness or blindness. Experiments on animals persist because we need to be seen do be doing something, and a lot of money is saved and profit gained by doing so.
I'm a life-long vegetarian, and believe in this day and age there is no need for us humans to eat other animals. There are plenty of healthier alternatives that don't invlove immence pain, suffering, breaking up of families and also damage to the environment.
1984 mini 25
1973 mini clubman.. width="425" height="350" ..
War is wrong. War is sick.
All wars result in the deaths of innocent people. Those who start the wars are never in the firing line, and don't really give a damn about civilians. In the governments eye, as long as we get rid of the other countries leader (and replace them with an equally tyrannous or incompetent one), then it doesn't really matter how many villages are destroyed, how many innocent bodies are massocred. Leaders see it as a game, moving little plastic soldiers in and out of countries at their leisure. Well this isn't a game, these are lives we are playing with; your not children, your supposed to be adults! What example are we setting children, they tell us violence is wrong, then they use bloody conflict to settle their own scores!
Let's look at two of the most recent major wars - Iraq and Afghanistan. They're all happy now aren't they, now the Taliban and Saddam Hussians gone. They feel nice and safe, yes? No! A report to the UN human rights commission in Geneva has concluded that Iraqis were actually better off under Saddam Hussein than they are now! There has been a doubling of child malnutrition since the dictator was overthrown, which is obviously a major blow for the UK and USA! But of course they won't admit it. Afghanistan, which seems to have been swept under the carpet, is still in a complete mess.
Biological and chemical weapons have become standard military arsenals of so many nations, the destructive capacity of even a single combat has grown to such proportions that no one can remain unaffected. If worst comes to the worst and nuclear weapons are used, then we have destroyed the world. It is a terrifying thought, but the cold war has shown us that it is not impossible. Don't worry though, the top dogs in charge have their cosy nuclear bunkers, so they'll be safe. Ah good, that's cleared my mind. Bastards!
cheers urs for letting me use your rantswidth: 500; height:500;"
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