Eco Informer ( Green Energy ) profile picture

Eco Informer ( Green Energy )

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Eco Informer is an online publication for Global warming and pollution awareness which supports an anti-coal energy initiatives.

From our research, United States is the biggest polluter in the world using over 24% of the worlds annual energy consumption with the biggest sources of pollution being from automobiles and from coal energy plants.

There are scientists that would counter by saying that "its solar flares" or that "its natural for the earth to heat up". Although does that make it make it right to pollute the environment as much as we have been? What about the overuse of finite resources in which we could easily preserve utilizing alternative means? Who wants to have smog, mercury, CO2, and other chemicals polluting there environment? When alternative energy, like wind power is readily available ( at competitive prices ), the responsible thing to do is switch to a greener energy.

Did you know that in Texas the coal fired energy plants lead the US in CO2 emissions with 243 million tons of Co1 & 8600 lbs of mercury?

Did you know Texas school children are unable to have recess outside during ozone alert days, in which Texas leads the nation?
Did you know that the generation of electricity is the single largest source of industrial air pollution?

Be weary of the energy companies you buy from.
I seen may commercials from energy on clean coal and there additions of wind energy and I am absolutely appalled. Clean coal is still a theory and their probably will not be a working plant until 2020-2025, if it can be done at all. And while they may show some wind generators, a majority of energy companies who claim to have wind power only produce 1-2 percent of their total energy from wind power.

How Do I Know This? For quite some time I have become passionate about environment and conservation, with all of the media and press about Global Warming, Smog & Pollution, and the Age Beyond Peak Oil I began conducting in depth studies into what all the talk was really about. Since May 07, I have found myself entrenched in scientific forums, books, and governmental sites gaining the truth about all of the press. My research in greener alternative technologies included but was not limited to natural building technologies, hybrid and electric auto transport, gas to electric vehicle conversions processes and kits, alternate forms of energy power and creation, and all natural-organic living.

Amazed I was, to discover such a wide array of alternative choices that have been designed and squandered in the name of the mighty dollar. As a result, I figured I would create a platform in which other can easily discover the hidden agendas between the real world issues.

I know what your thinking and "Yes, I do have an agenda! It's too inform people of what I have come to know in my research!". Below I listed some of the things that you may not already know.Many folks across the US are focusing their efforts on leaving less of a carbon footprint by looking toward alternative vehicles, but one can make bigger changes just by supporting renewable energy companies.Did you know that your home total energy bills could be reduced by up to 70% with geothermal heat pump installation, taking the small investment on to a 30 year mortgage could give you a net gain of near 100k.Did you know that some alternative methods (straw built, mashed earth, and adobe)of constructing homes is actually 2 times more energy efficient then the best of conventional energy compliant homes. Did you know as of 2001, the top three automakers had hybrid vehicles that met or exceeded 72 mpg.Did you know some home built 100kwh-wind mills can be made for under $150. Did you know there is alot more of energy efficient methods can learned, applied, and discovered from reading

My Interests

Peak Oil, Global Warming, Energy Conservation, Alternative Vehicles and Energy

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet some people who are as interested in environment, conservation of natural resources, and smarter efficient technologies. And indeed, a couple of interested writers on this topic is always of interest.


Inconveinant Truth, A Crude Awakening,


BIG COAL, Geo-Thermal Dynamics, Alternative Energy Sourcebook, Mother Earth, Natural Home Heating, MicroHydro

