I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
Although each and every soul on this earth has a purpose and destiny, there are many who are consumed by the fires of this world, and do not understand we are all unique in a common way. Every person is a once-in-a-life-time mix of neurons, tissue, and conciousness never before seen, and never again to be. We are all human, all frail. The people I wish to meet most are those who selflessly give themselves to others in need, whether in matters of coin, concern, or love. People who are true to themselves, and others, that appreciate the value of true friendship, and don't just call when they need something. People with ambition and goals, that are passionate about life, as well as the things and people in it.
I have several hundred books, and to list them all would be far too tedious. However, my favorites are those where I can forget about the world around me for a little while, and go somewhere, and be someone, I never thought I could. Well written poetry is also very inspiring. I write myself, and now realize how hard it can be to craft a good poem, and also how alleviating it can be as well.
More than anyone else on this earth, I admire my mother and father. My mother, for not giving up even when the odds of survival from her brain cancer seemed insurmountable, and my father, for never giving up on her, never turning away, and never losing faith in her, even when she lost it in herself. My parents are truly my heros. As for the rest of the world, my brother James, for showing me the meaning and value of true friendship, and having the courage to put up with my crap for so many years. I respect anyone who has the courage to be themselves and doesn't apoligize for it. Lastly, and most importantly, my fellow soldiers, the men and women who fight and die for your very right to hate us.