philosophy, reading, shred, GRRRIIIINNDD, history, violence, NSfuckingBM, blood, guts, gore, WWII, ....and Grateful Dead?!?
i would be delighted to meet QUALITY people.
Graveland, Thor's Hammer, Nokturnal Mortum, Honor!!!, Before God, Falkenback!!!, Boards of Canada, Nine Inch Nails, despise you, crossed out, lack of interest, plutocracy, no less, repulsion, impaled, carcass, impetigo, napalm death, pestilence, suffocation, SLAYER, the kill, lord gore, godstomper, agathocles, black flag, catheter, exhumed, nyctophobic, abruptum, dark throne, gg allin, birdflesh, mutiilation, regurgitate, immortal, infest, terrorizer, necrophagist, s.o.b., melt banana, d.r.i., municipal waste, agents of satan, judas iscariot, brainoil, autopsy, dismember, immortal fate, old mayhem, 976, 324, malevolent creation, monstrosity, bongzilla, noothgrush, pentagram, fear of god, assuck, assel, grief, eyehategod, crom, anal cunt, no comment, man is the bastard, bastard noise, melvins, hypnosia, Sleep, tons more..
ATTACK!, Patton, Downfall, The Machinist, Guinea Pig series, Pieces, Cannibal Holocaust, anything violent, shit thats real and on tape, so many gore films, Mother's Day, Conspiracy, movies about history, porn..
i dont watch much tv, but i do like Beavis and Butthead and Family Guy........ and - of course - DEGRASSI!!!
Charles Dickens, Stephen Crane, Umberto Eco, Upton Sinclair, Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean Paul Sarte, Heinz Hoehne, William Burroughs, Michael Moynihan, Thomas Hobbes, David Hume, Mortimer J. Adler, Bertrand Russell, B. H. Liddel Hart.. Turner Diaries, Junky, Pirate Utopias, Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground, Blue Tide: The Search for Soma, and more..
Fuck heroes. I'm my own person. but I must say, GG Allin was a sick fuck... but, seriously, Chris Barker.